#Mammography Breast Density Reporting: What it Means for Clinicians
📌 Breast density describes the appearance of the breast on mammography, on the basis of breast tissue composition, with fibroglandular tissue being more dense than fatty tissue
📌 Breast density is related to both the risk for cancer and the ability of mammography to detect cancer
📌 For women who have a normal mammogram with dense breasts,the main follow-up testing options are either ultrasound or MRI
Gizmodo: Breast Cancer Screenings May Cause Overdiagnosis in Older Women, Study Finds https://gizmodo.com/screenings-overdiagnose-cancer-older-women-1850718931 #unitedstatespreventiveservicestaskforce #projectionalradiography #breastcancerawareness #breastcancerscreening #healthmedicalpharma #medicalterminology #cancerscreening #overdiagnosis #breastimaging #breastcancer #ilanarichman #mammography #screening #cancer
#unitedstatespreventiveservicestaskforce #projectionalradiography #breastcancerawareness #breastcancerscreening #healthmedicalpharma #medicalterminology #cancerscreening #overdiagnosis #breastimaging #breastcancer #ilanarichman #mammography #screening #cancer
If you want a more accessible version of the research from the MASAI trail, have look at for example:
https://www.bbc.com/news/health-66382168 (English)
The Guardian
https://www.theguardian.com/society/2023/aug/02/ai-use-breast-cancer-screening-study-preliminary-results (English)
El Pais
https://elpais.com/salud-y-bienestar/2023-08-01/los-cribados-de-cancer-de-mama-con-apoyo-de-inteligencia-artificial-detectan-un-20-mas-de-tumores.html (Spanish)
https://www.sydsvenskan.se/2023-08-02/ai-stodd-granskning-vid-mammografi-kan-ge-sakra-och-snabbare-svar (Swedish)
#ai #breastcancer #mammography #screening
First clinical results from the Mammography Screening with Artificial Intelligence (MASAI) trail out now in The Lancet Oncology, https://authors.elsevier.com/c/1hWQ3_XRRTrOOA
They show that AI-supported mammography screening resulted in comparable breast cancer detection, as standard double reading, with substantially reduced workload for the radiologists.
However, more follow up and research is needed.
Happy to be part of this interdisciplinary team.
#ai #breastcancer #mammography #screening
#Breast density reporting requirements change, clinical guidance remains unchanged
📌 Updates in breast density reporting include a lay language summary for patients that may cause issues for providers.
📌 The clinical guidance on breast density remains unchanged.
The change in guidelines led to a decline in #mammography screening rates in the US. A new study shows an unintended consequence of this decision.Â
FDA to require #mammogram reports include breast density information
📌 Updated 🇺🇸 FDA regulations will require mammography facilities to notify patients about the density of their breasts.
📌Women with dense breasts are at higher risk for breast cancer, and dense tissue can make cancer harder to detect in mammograms.
📌About 1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer in her life, according to🇺🇸 CDC, and #mammography remains the best tool for screening and detection.
How A.I. Is Being Used to Detect Cancer That Doctors Miss - Hungary has become a major testing ground for A.I. software to spot cancer, as doctors de... - https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/05/technology/artificial-intelligence-breast-cancer-detection.html #computersandtheinternet #artificialintelligence #testsandexaminations #budapest(hungary) #tests(medical) #breastcancer #mammography #hospitals #doctors #kheiron #hungary #cancer
#cancer #hungary #kheiron #doctors #hospitals #mammography #breastcancer #tests #budapest #testsandexaminations #artificialintelligence #computersandtheinternet
A record number of women underwent breast screening in the U.K. last year. But almost 40% of eligible women ignored calls for regular mammography exams, according to new data from
NHS England.
#mammography #breastcancer #NHS https://buff.ly/3Eg9PDS
#mammography #breastcancer #NHS
Breast arterial calcification is a strongly correlated independent cardiovascular risk factor. The Canadian Society of Breast Imaging recommends reporting BAC which could lead to intervention in asymptomatic women at higher #cardiovascular risk. #mammography https://csbi.ca/canadian-society-of-breast-imaging-position-statement-on-breast-arterial-calcification-reporting-on-mammography/
In real life, AI may not live up the all the hype. This commercial AI failed to pass a radiologist exam most of the time (Fellowship of the Royal College of Radiologists examination)
#ai #mammography #machineleaning
A new study in JNCI on #mammography
access found that the proportion of women aged 45-84 years with limited accessibility to mammography did not substantially change from 2006 (12.7%) to 2022 (12.2%).
Accessibility to mammography varied by state, but in 10 states, more than 26% of the statewide female population aged 45-84 years had limited accessibility in 2022. https://buff.ly/3HX0aFb
#mammography #radiology #breastimaging
RadNet announced that its DeepHealth subsidiary has received clearance from the FDA of Saige-Density, an algorithm for assessing breast density in women.
The application automatically generates an ACR BI-RADS breast density category that can assist radiologists to make accurate and consistent determinations using AI.
RadNet notes that this is the third AI algorithm from DeepHealth to get FDA clearance in the past 2 years.
More info at https://buff.ly/3hAypr0
"#Mammography machines may miss #BreastCancers for women with dense breasts and can have more false negatives." #OpEd by
Dr. Veronica Irvin addresses what needs to be improved with the Mammography Quality Standards Act (est. as law Oct. 27, 1992).
#PublicHealth #BreastCancer #Cancer #Mammogram #Research #Health
#Health #Research #mammogram #cancer #breastcancer #publichealth #oped #breastcancers #mammography