Thomas · @derthomas
167 followers · 4255 posts · Server

Good morning folks!

Van Halen lives!

Yeah I know, I didn't give Wolfgang Van Halen's new album a very positive review, but ever since I listened to it once some days ago, I have this earworm 👇

Right? by MammothWVH

Just imagine this song sung by Myles Kennedy...

#rockmusic #WolfgangVanHalen #mammothii #MammothWVH #nowplaying

Last updated 1 year ago

Thomas · @derthomas
164 followers · 4231 posts · Server

You want a brutally honest album review?

Here's my brutally honest review of Mammoth WVH's new album "Mammoth II":


You can tell that Wolfgang Van Halen is really talented (I wonder where he got that from?), but still:


He should do himself a favour and get a singer for his band (which is only himself if I am not mistaken). He is singing is not bad, but... Meh.

Solid album, but I won't listen to it again. 2,5 out of 5 nice guitar solos.

#rockmusic #mammothii #MammothWVH

Last updated 1 year ago