Anytime members of the Cloud Computing and Kubernetes communities get a chance to benefit from the insight and expertise of RX-M Founder Randy Abernethy, it's a good time. Find the time as the year winds down to learn from Randy's conversation with Emily Omeir on her podcast, The Business of Open Source. End your year or start your new year with this chance to learn. #cloudcomputing #opensource #business #kubernetes #managedservices #managedservicesplus
#cloudcomputing #opensource #business #kubernetes #managedservices #managedservicesplus
Increase your cloud native and Kubernetes reference resources with a subscription to the R-M YouTube Channel. Benefit from Cloud Native Short Takes, KubeCon+CloudNativeCon presentations, and more. Learn from industry experts and be alerted when we post new content. Get started today. #consulting #cloud #kubernetes #content #reference #managedservicesplus
#consulting #cloud #kubernetes #content #reference #managedservicesplus