Raccoon :verified: · @Raccoon
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My brain sitting here connecting the ideas surrounding and thinking, and the end of 's ...

So like, the main villian in the rogues-gallery of spies and criminals is handling money for the KGB (in the movie it's a financial firm involved in terrorism under the table), and after James Bond takes all his money in a Poker game (betting NATO money), he has him in a cell and is torturing him, but JB keeps laughing because "you're going to die." So then the Soviet spy (another agent from the finance company) walks in and he's like, "hang on, I just need to torture him more and I'll have the money." and the spy is like "Sorry, we don't care about the money, we care about our operation." and kills him... then leaves James Bond alive to escape.

This is Organizational Thinking in action.

#managerialscience #systemic #organizational #ianfleming #jamesbond #spynovel #casinoroyale

Last updated 1 year ago