If you hate live coding challenges as much as I do, know I'm fighting the fight with my coworkers to not include them as part of our hiring process. Probably going to lose. But still fighting. #ManagerLife
I am beat. Interviewing candidates is exhausting. On too of all the other things sapping my … haustion? Turning it into an ex haustion? #ManagerLife
No Mr 80%, I’m not going to go after someone for code they did a year ago that nobody has noticed being a problem FOR A YEAR. I might point out that he was supposed to have his code done by noon by his own words and it’s still not done. #ManagerLife #snippy
I may have cracked the code. Partly. I managed to get over-eager devopsman to be the one nagging Mr 80%. I’ve still had to answer way more questions than I wanted, but there’s actually been PRs for me to review!
We still don’t have enough devs and only a few of the resumes have been reviewed, but at least I felt less murderous today and actually got a lot done. #ManagerLife
Between Mr 80% and my boss, I'm not sure we're ever going to hire anybody. People I think are good get negated by them, and they love people I think are only okay. We're clearly not on the same page, and I don't know how to get on their page. I'm not sure I want to. I'm sure this is all not helped by how burned out I am and how everything is still on fire and up to me to fix. #ManagerLife #BurnedOut #HiringIsHard
#managerlife #burnedout #hiringishard
We have the approval to hire another dev, but we probably will need to re-open the posting again, which will mean wading through a bunch of applicants myself because the other managers say they will and never do. At least I have fairly high confidence that our “code test” is doing a good job identifying the candidates we are looking for. There just seem to be not as many of them as I would like. #ManagerLife
I made the comment that I seem to be caught up, and immediately had a “oh crap” moment from the client crop up. Fortunately pretty easy to solve, and the ticket to make the client think before doing that again is also whipped up. Back to being caught up. Huzzah. #ManagerLife
My new term: "Tactical helplessness." To properly deploy tactical helplessness, for any task you are given, your immediate priority is to find a way to make it someone else's problem. That way you can always be waiting for information or unable to proceed because you didn't get a chance to meet with someone. Ideally pass it on to someone who is super busy, so that you are more likely to not get an answer quickly. #ManagerLife #TacticalHelplessness
#managerlife #tacticalhelplessness
Sorry, your #manager is rage-limited. Please attempt to solve the problem yourself. For the love of all that is holy. #ManagerLife
Was worrying a little about the low return-rate on the "coding" challenge we given candidates pre-interview. But got another round with more good candidates. There's a mix of experience levels and none of them have the same first name as someone already at our company. Not that this is an immediate point of elimination, but we have at least six employees sharing the same first name, and we're not that large of a company. #ManagerLife
I feel like I've described this issue 5 times and every time, someone else is chiming in but asking the same questions. Which I've already answered. 5 times.
I either need more patience or more chocolate. Possibly both. #ManagerLife
The first round of responses to our pre-interview questions were not great. One just regurgitated #ChatGPT’s answers without adding anything, even if response didn’t answer the question. The second didn’t go into any depth and I’m still not sure they even looked at the code. The third tried but wasn’t great. At least it’s helping weed out people. #ManagerLife
The other team here has a problem that's completely preventing my team's application from running a key function on our integration environment. And the guys in charge over there seem to be just shrugging about it. Meanwhile QA keeps hounding me about why it's not working, and
Apparently I'm still short on #cope. #ManagerLife
I have a nightmare of a #GIT merge issue. I don’t know how to make sure what’s on dev gets to main without a bunch of other stuff but without missing anything. At one point it got merged to dev, but then more changes were needed, and … it’s just a nightmare. I don’t even know where to begin. #DevLife #ManagerLife #NotOnAMondayPlease
#Git #devlife #managerlife #notonamondayplease
Starting the week with a 4 hour budget meeting! Jealous?
Okay, finally really hopefully done. Can get back to my real job tomorrow. #DevLife #ManagerLife #INeedANap
#devlife #managerlife #ineedanap
Finally really nearing the end of this project that has been “almost done” since December. But one of the API calls we are supposed to hit is not working on staging (but is in prod), and I feel like this is saving our hide from not actually being ready. I do not like this feeling. #DevLife #ManagerLife
For someone who is not a dentist, I sure spent a lot of time today pulling teeth. #ManagerLife
And in case you're wondering, no, the legacy stuff isn't working because nobody believes me the first time I tell them something, such as, I dunno, PUT IT AGAINST THE RIGHT FREAKING BRANCH!! GAH!!! #DevLife #ManagerLife #grumpy
Suppose I should peel myself off the couch to go finish fixing other people’s code. I cannot think of a non-ugly way to do this fix, but the benefit of the ugly way is that it works on the legacy system too. #ManagerLife #DevLife