Work sent me out to do a talk today.
Why would you send Eeyore out to do a talk?
#scrapingthebottomofthebarrel #managingexpectations #onetalkatatime
Today I learned about manager READMEs from Lara Hogan's blog and started to experiment with writing my own. Does anybody have experience (good / bad) with setting & communicating expectations that way? Many thanks for sharing what you learned! #managing #expectations #managingExpectations
#managing #expectations #managingexpectations
Heather Smigowski is back in the studio to offer helpful tips to the new #DistanceEd students of the AY25 class. She joins @RonaldGranieri to talk #timemanagement #managingexpectations & what their life looks like for the next 2 yrs #WAR_ROOM
Photo Credit: Image by Freepik
#war_room #managingexpectations #timemanagement #distanceed
I have adeptly been rolling from one crisis to another lately. I haven't been getting even 5 days to get my legs back under me before the next thing hits.
At this point I have give up expecting any break in this pattern and only pray:
Please let whatever awful thing happens next also be funny. 🤞
How to start beekeeping #managingexpectations #hopesvsreality #Beekeeping #Principles #localbees #mentoring #Practice #Problems #Training
#managingexpectations #hopesvsreality #beekeeping #principles #localbees #mentoring #practice #problems #training
I was searching for an equivalent of: ‘Campaign in poetry, govern in prose,’ for when you campaign in managed expectations. A friend of a friend's great answer: “Campaign in managed expectations, govern in missed opportunities.”
I was searching for what the equivalent of: ‘Campaign in poetry, govern in prose,’ would be for when you campaign in managed expectations. The marvellous answer I got (from a friend of a friend) is:
‘Campaign in managed expectations, govern in missed opportunities.’ #ManagingExpectations
A recommendation for any of those writing cross-browser extensions: there exists webextension-polyfill to somehow ease the #portability to Chrome-based browser when the extension development mainly targets Firefox. Info:
By the way, I didn't know that you have to pay now for publishing on the Chrome Store.
#ManagingExpectations Yes I (or should I say WE? :D) have a hobby project in mind but it's something tiny to simply get back to browser dev.
#portability #dev #browserextensions #managingexpectations
I’m organising the Christmas Clinical Governance & Audit meeting. Yes, I know I’m a fool for volunteering. However my question is this… Is a Christmas Quiz Mandatory? & If so anyone got any good questions? #christmas #ChristmasQuiz #ManagingExpectations #Quiz #Help #Expectations
#christmas #christmasquiz #managingexpectations #quiz #help #expectations