I've been recently worrying about the state of the UK's #managment; in this recent article for @NWBylines I conclude:
'blaming workers for the stagnation in #productivity & thinking there will be a simple technical fix, is certainly not going to resolve the more insidious problem of bad management'!
The UK's accidental & bullying managers are a problem that is eating away at our prosperity & economic potential - don't blame the #workers they miss-manage!
#managment #productivity #workers
Management Lessons from Game of Thrones has sold out at the Academy of International Business conference! If you missed out, don't worry: #gameofthrones #AIB2023 #managment #internationalbusiness https://adoctorofmanythings.wordpress.com/2022/07/28/where-to-buy-management-lessons-from-game-of-thrones/
#gameofthrones #aib2023 #managment #InternationalBusiness
Management Lessons from Game of Thrones has sold out at the Academy of International Business conference! If you missed out, don't worry: #gameofthrones #AIB2023 #managment #internationalbusiness https://adoctorofmanythings.wordpress.com/2022/07/28/where-to-buy-management-lessons-from-game-of-thrones/
#gameofthrones #aib2023 #managment #InternationalBusiness
#BloomingBusinessCasino - #PC - #Review unter https://www.pcgamehunters.de/2023/05/24/blooming-business-casino/
#casino #managment #aufbauspiel #tycoon #test #tests #screenshot #screenshots #Video #videos #gameplay #pcgaming #PCGamer #pcgame #pcgames #indiegame #indiegaming #Indie
#HomoLudensGames @CurveGames
#bloomingbusinesscasino #pc #review #casino #managment #aufbauspiel #tycoon #test #tests #screenshot #screenshots #video #videos #gameplay #pcgaming #pcgamer #pcgame #pcgames #indiegame #indiegaming #indie #homoludensgames
Und alles "nur", weil die #DB nicht bereit ist die kleinste Anerkennung zu zahlen, die deutlich oberhalb des Inflationsausgleich liegt. Von Kaufkrafterhalt rede ich besser erst gar nicht.
Allerdings hat das #managment der #deutschebahn ja jetzt auch Jahrzehnte Zeit, um immer mehr auf Verschleiß zu fahren. Die #Finanzminister haben die Bahn teilweise geschröpft, die #verkehrsminister haben zu geschaut.
Und irgendwie war die #Union immer an Board.
#wirtschaftskompetenz sieht wahrhaftig anders aus.
#wirtschaftskompetenz #union #verkehrsminister #finanzminister #deutschebahn #managment #db
Kannst du gut Entscheidungen treffen?
Manchmal fällt es einem schwer, wichtige Entscheidungen zu treffen – in den eigenen Lebensbereichen, aber auch im beruflichen Kontext.
Im Interview sprechen wir mit dem Managementforscher Philip Meissner über gute und schlechte Entscheidungen – wie wichtig dabei Kritiker:innen sind, erfährst du hier: 👉 https://t3n.de/news/management-entscheidungen-talent-interview-philip-meissner-1150666/
#managment #entscheidung #ratgeber #interview #karriere #beruf
#managment #entscheidung #ratgeber #interview #karriere #beruf
Getting started as a technology or team lead is challenging. This post lists a few books and resources that helped (and still help) me: https://www.alexanderjunge.net/blog/lead-books/
As a bonus, I list two books for people interested in the staff engineer career path.
#managment #engineering #tech
@drewharwell @acbeers WHAT A GAME CHANGER #Mastodon #Lists #Tips #Tools #Managment
#mastodon #lists #tips #tools #managment
Management is the most in-demand skill. ChatGPT can't do it
https://www.fastcompany.com/90851293/most-in-demand-skills-2023-linkedin-management-chatgpt-cant-do #chatgpt Computers and #AI can’t be human and that’s what we still need. #managment #skills @edtech @edchat @edutooters @edutooter We might need to teach students how to be managers. #linkedin #chatgpt #machinelearning
#chatgpt #AI #managment #skills #linkedin #machinelearning
On point for Dave Graeber's Bullshit Jobs
The always insightful Sarah O'Connor (sadly still not here), makes the point in her column today that: 'there is a difference between how a person might feel about their job & how they might feel about their actual work'!
And while some of that difference (especially where infrastructure investment or policy pressure are evident), is structural... equally, another important factor is the UK's persistent rubbish #managment, which reduces greatly loved jobs to crap work managed by sociopaths!
@sindarina I used to work in a tech company where every year they would just fire 5-10% of the people. And managers were ask to rate their teams on a curve, one had to best, most had to be medium, and one had to be designated to be fired.
They skipped that public ranking. But I believe the higher up #managment might still believe, that regular firings might somehow help their profits.
#WorldChampionshipBoxingManager2 - #PC - #Review unter https://www.pcgamehunters.de/2023/01/18/world-championship-boxing-manager-2/
Wäre es ein Indie-Titel, wäre es ein sehr gutes Spiel für Casual-Gamer. So muss man leider sagen, dass es sich eher um ein Werk handelt, dass nur dem schnellen Geld dient. Es ist zwar grundsätzlich nichts verkehrt an dem Spiel, mehr erfahrt ihr im Test.
#Sport #Simulation #Managment #test #tests #screenshot #screenshots #Video #videos #gameplay #pcgaming #PCGamer #pcgame #pcgames
#megacatstudios #ziggurat
#worldchampionshipboxingmanager2 #pc #review #sport #simulation #managment #test #tests #screenshot #screenshots #video #videos #gameplay #pcgaming #pcgamer #pcgame #pcgames #megacatstudios #ziggurat
#94.1 - PodcastGemist.nl - Chaos in de Studio
Jack & Jozef zijn weer terug in de Studio
#media #podcast #vodcast #RTL #SBS6 #TALPA #LifeSoap #FY #fyp #ForYou #Juice #Juke #nrc #GoodVibes #radio #live #bedrijfsevents #events #managment #tv #vlog #vlogger #theater #show #DutchMediaWeek #news #theater #chaos #studio
#studio #chaos #news #dutchmediaweek #show #theater #vlogger #vlog #tv #managment #events #bedrijfsevents #live #radio #goodvibes #nrc #juke #juice #foryou #fyp #fy #lifesoap #talpa #SBS6 #rtl #vodcast #podcast #media
#92 - PodcastGemist.nl - Breaking News
Gaan Jack en Jozef stoppen met PodcastGemist na een conflict over de TheaterShow in Gouda?
#media #podcast #vodcast #RTL #SBS6 #TALPA #LifeSoap #FY #fyp #ForYou #Juice #Juke #nrc #GoodVibes #radio #live #bedrijfsevents #events #managment #tv #vlog #vlogger #theater #show #DutchMediaWeek #news #theater #walking #cancel #lol
#lol #cancel #walking #news #dutchmediaweek #show #theater #vlogger #vlog #tv #managment #events #bedrijfsevents #live #radio #goodvibes #nrc #juke #juice #foryou #fyp #fy #lifesoap #talpa #SBS6 #rtl #vodcast #podcast #media
#92 - PodcastGemist.nl - Gaat de TheaterShow door?
#media #podcast #vodcast #RTL #SBS6 #TALPA #LifeSoap #FY #fyp #ForYou #Juice #Juke #nrc #GoodVibes #radio #live #bedrijfsevents #events #managment #tv #vlog #vlogger #theater #show #DutchMediaWeek
#dutchmediaweek #show #theater #vlogger #vlog #tv #managment #events #bedrijfsevents #live #radio #goodvibes #nrc #juke #juice #foryou #fyp #fy #lifesoap #talpa #SBS6 #rtl #vodcast #podcast #media
#92 - PodcastGemist.nl - Gaat de TheaterShow door?
#media #podcast #vodcast #RTL #SBS6 #TALPA #LifeSoap #FY #fyp #ForYou #Juice #Juke #nrc #GoodVibes #radio #live #bedrijfsevents #events #managment #tv #vlog #vlogger #theater #show #DutchMediaWeek
#dutchmediaweek #show #theater #vlogger #vlog #tv #managment #events #bedrijfsevents #live #radio #goodvibes #nrc #juke #juice #foryou #fyp #fy #lifesoap #talpa #SBS6 #rtl #vodcast #podcast #media
#92 - PodcastGemist - Oud en Nieuw Vuurwerkshow
#media #podcast #vodcast #RTL #SBS6 #TALPA #LifeSoap #FY #fyp #ForYou #Juice #Juke #nrc #GoodVibes #radio #management #live #bedrijfsevents #events #cold #regen #managment #tv #vlog #vlogger
#vlogger #vlog #tv #managment #regen #cold #events #bedrijfsevents #live #management #radio #goodvibes #nrc #juke #juice #foryou #fyp #fy #lifesoap #talpa #SBS6 #rtl #vodcast #podcast #media
#92.1 - http://PodcastGemist.nl - Doet Jack zijn jas uit?
#media #podcast #vodcast #RTL #SBS6 #TALPA #LifeSoap #FY #fyp #ForYou #Juice #Juke #nrc #GoodVibes #winter #kou #radio #management #live #bedrijfsevents #events #cold #regen #managment #tv #DutchMediaWeek #vlog #vlogger
#vlogger #vlog #dutchmediaweek #tv #managment #regen #cold #events #bedrijfsevents #live #management #radio #Kou #winter #goodvibes #nrc #juke #juice #foryou #fyp #fy #lifesoap #talpa #SBS6 #rtl #vodcast #podcast #media
#92.1 - PodcastGemist.nl - Doet Jack zijn jas uit?
#media #podcast #vodcast #RTL #SBS6 #TALPA #LifeSoap #FY #fyp #ForYou #Juice #Juke #nrc #GoodVibes #winter #kou #radio #management #live #bedrijfsevents #events #cold #regen #managment #tv #DutchMediaWeek #vlog #vlogger
#vlogger #vlog #dutchmediaweek #tv #managment #regen #cold #events #bedrijfsevents #live #management #radio #Kou #winter #goodvibes #nrc #juke #juice #foryou #fyp #fy #lifesoap #talpa #SBS6 #rtl #vodcast #podcast #media