Shadow Hunter v2023.01.21 (Amstrad CPC) (Schneider CPC) (Game)
#Amstrad #CPC #Game #Mananuk #Schneider #ShadowHunter
Shadow Hunter by Mananuk is a ghostbuster arcade action game made for Amstrad/Schneider CPC.
In this game you play as a young ghost hunter named Jack Slimer. Your mission is to end a ghost pest in the Sandy Candy sweet factory. You m...
#shadowhunter #schneider #mananuk #game #cpc #amstrad
Paleto Jones 2 v2022.12.24 (Amstrad CPC) (Schneider CPC) (Game)
#Amstrad #CPC #Game #Mananuk #PaletoJones2 #Schneider
Paleto Jones 2 by Mananuk is a horror adventure game made for Amstrad/Schneider CPC.
In this game, you simply have to guide the young 'Paleto Jones' who goes in search of Bartolo's flute, an instrument with supernatural powers that...
#schneider #paletojones2 #mananuk #game #cpc #amstrad
Astrocop v2022.08.01 (Amstrad CPC) (Schneider CPC) (Game)
#Amstrad #Astrocop #CPC #Game #Mananuk #Schneider
Astrocop by Mananuk is an adventure platformer game made for Amstrad/Schneider CPC.
In this game, you will play through 15 levels and travel through space in search of lost cats. You need to rescue them all!...
#schneider #mananuk #game #cpc #astrocop #amstrad