About 10km from home on Sunday (I'd done @ 93km around the #Cheshire lanes by this point) I nabbed a shot of the Phil Foden mural on the corner of Wycliffe Street and George's Road in Stockport. For scale, I rested Osgar the Orro by our Phil. Phil is #47 for Manchester City FC and a #Stockport lad. He's a top, top, top player. Mural by MANCHESTER MURALS (so it says!). #PhilFoden #ManCityFC #ManchesterMurals #Duks #DukinfieldCC #Dukinfield #Hyde #Denton #Audenshaw #AshtonUnderLyne #Droylsden #Tameside #Cycling #GroupCycling #ClubRun #ClubRides #RideWithOthers #OutsideIsFree #FromWhereIRide #LoveCycling #EnjoyCycling #CyclingIsLife #ComeCycling #JoinACyclingClub #AllWelcome
#Cheshire #stockport #philfoden #mancityfc #manchestermurals #duks #dukinfieldcc #dukinfield #hyde #denton #audenshaw #ashtonunderlyne #droylsden #tameside #cycling #groupcycling #clubrun #clubrides #ridewithothers #outsideisfree #fromwhereiride #lovecycling #enjoycycling #cyclingislife #comecycling #joinacyclingclub #allwelcome
A new tribute to Paul O'Grady has appeared in the Gay Village. The incredible Lily Savage mural was created by artist Manchester Murals after his previous artwork on the Fallowfield Loop was defaced… 💛🌈 #lillysavage #mural #artwork
#paulogrady #manchestermurals #tribute #art
#lillysavage #mural #artwork #paulogrady #manchestermurals #Tribute #art