I thought it was going to be wall to wall Padam Padam but I only heard Padam Padam once all weekend #PadamPadam #ManchesterPride
Pink News: Manchester Pride: Urgent health warning issued after fake MDMA found https://www.thepinknews.com/2023/08/28/manchester-pride-mdma-bmdp/ #LGBT #LGBTQ #Trans #Lesbian #2SLGBTQ #ManchesterPride #Community #ecstasy #Pride #News #MDMA #UK
#lgbt #LGBTQ #trans #lesbian #2SLGBTQ #manchesterpride #community #ecstasy #pride #news #mdma #uk
I did think, that it was because of the alcohol.. (I was teetotal for a year) but when I started drinking again (a few months back) It still didn't appeal to me. But I really enjoyed going for a few drinks with people at work..
...And I think that's because we'd stand outside the pub and chat. Talking, is the missing piece here.
Loud music and being unable to hold a conversation is the issue. Anyway, enough of me ranting. #manchesterpride
It's kinda hard to be proud of a (piece) of my identity when it feels like there's no space for me inside this big LGBTQ+ event.
I just resent it. So we left, and went to NQ64.. who wouldn't let us (for different reasons) but managed to find another gaming bar.. had a much better evening in the end!
But next year I really can't see myself wanting to go again, there's zero appeal for me. #manchesterpride
I'd just had a big night out with work for a summer party, and we sat and drank.. chatted all evening.. It was bliss. I left feeling recharged and just had had a good night out.
I think what I miss/want is what an old wine bar would have given. Background music, lots of seats and drinks. That does not exist in the village.
There used to be quiet bits of the street (and I mean, in that music was not blaring _into_ the street by that. Not any more. #manchesterpride
We got bands this year, just to give us options. As last year we wanted to go out.. but didn't get one (and it was a nightmare getting one!) so we went out to see some friends..
where we stood on a really crowded street with deafening music in all directions, struggling to listen to them. It felt really antisocial (to me). Going out is all about socialising, chatting to friends and catching up. If I can't hear them speak, that's the end of the night. #manchesterpride
It's #manchesterpride again and I'm back in my funny headspace. I'd like to preface this (hopefully not a rant) that I've no issues with it, and used to love going.
But, put simply I feel like there's just nothing there for me. It's a celebration of things I can't identify with. Which just makes me sad and rejected. A very "big" feeling not aimed at any one person.
And just in front of us were these Rainbow Devils, my fellow United fans. This was at the end of the march, so goodbye all!
As I said, if you're marching, you don't get to see many other groups marching. But you do see the crowds lining the streets, and I loved this distinguished looking couple!
The opposition - a gentleman with banners telling us we're all damned, or something...
Anne Lister and Ann Walker featured in more than one group of marchers.
I was marching with my comrades from LGBT+ Labour. I don't know how I did the misty background, it's a function I hadn't found on the camera before, but I rather like it!
I loved this Taekwondo group in the waiting area at Castlefield Bowl, too!
More pics from Manchester Pride, now I'm home - my phone was struggling with the uploads earlier!
One problem with marching in the procession is that you don't get to see very much of it, apart from the groups you're waiting with before you set off and the ones in front of/behind you while you're marching.
I was quite impressed by this group from TUI. There were a lot of them, some of whom looked as if they'd come straight from the airport, and they were very enthusiastic.
5. Change is afoot! Manchester Pride is moving towards more walkers and fewer floats - apparently for environmental reasons. I've no real view, as long as it remains a good show with lots of creative and exciting groups mixed in with the more everyday ones. #LGBT #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #ManchesterPride
#lgbt #lgbtq #lgbtqia #manchesterpride
3. For the first time, I marched with my company rather than the Lib Dems this year. No particular reason: I had two offers and fancied a change. I had a great time, our group was organised by LGBT+ employees and - rightly - my employer paid £££ to be in the parade.
4. I'm always bowled over by the amount of effort some people put into their Pride costumes. Just amazing dedication!
#lgbt #lgbtq #lgbtqia #manchesterpride
Great to see Russell T Davies at #ManchesterPride today. #LGBT #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA
#manchesterpride #lgbt #lgbtq #lgbtqia
Dancers rehearsing their routine (We are Family) for the Manchester Pride march - I particularly liked the bit where they threw their flags in the air and caught them! #ManchesterPride