'The Mandalorian' season 3 finale did everything right. It wasn't just 'The Return' to Mandalore, which was great to see, but a return to premise, setting the Din clan loose into the Galaxy far, far away and in the service of the New Republic no less. I was glad that the Black Saber was destroyed, and Mandalorians get a clean slate. There's now two bases/homes to which Din can return, and a host of mythical Force related places the next season can go. It leaves me with hope for a return to what made the series a winner.
#StarWars #TheMandalorian #DinDjarin #ClanDin #TheDarkSaber #Mandalore #TheReturn
#starwars #themandalorian #dindjarin #clandin #thedarksaber #mandalore #TheReturn
La #izquierda española es como el #mandalore Escisiones después del ataque de una memoria rancia y casposa. Donde personajes como #Yolanda Vader y Jaba #Errejón nos debilitan. #Podemos
#izquierda #mandalore #yolanda #errejon #podemos
The actor who played Skinny Pete on #breakingbad showed up on last night’s #themandalorian but in my mind it was actually Skinny Pete and so #mandalore is really just what New Mexico looks like after taking the special blue meth. I mean, c’mon, Gus Fring is the Big Bad. I submit The Mandalorian is a Breaking Bad spin-off as much as Better Call Saul. I will die on this hill.
#mandalore #themandalorian #breakingbad
Curiosidad del día:
Poned en el buscador de Google "Mandalorian". Esperad unos segundos. Mirad en la esquina inferior derecha y haced click sobre lo que aparezca.
#mandalore #mandalorian #starwars
Kotaku: We’ve Barely Seen The True, Horrifying Nature Of The Mandalorian’s Death Cult https://kotaku.com/mandalorian-death-watch-cult-paz-vizsla-mythosaur-1850225908 #gaming #tech #kotaku #starwars3atheclonewars #giancarloesposito #religion2cbelief #creativeworks #obiwankenobi #bokatankryze #mandalorian #delreybooks #jonfavreau #ahsokatano #pazvizsla #dindjarin #mythosaur #mandalore #darthmaul #starwars #fiction #disney #satine #grogu #sith #pre
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #starwars3atheclonewars #giancarloesposito #religion2cbelief #creativeworks #ObiWanKenobi #bokatankryze #mandalorian #delreybooks #jonfavreau #ahsokatano #pazvizsla #dindjarin #mythosaur #mandalore #darthmaul #starwars #fiction #disney #satine #grogu #sith #pre
#StarWars #StarWarsMastodon #starwarsfediverse #ahsoka #sabinewren. The Queen of #Mandalore (fanfic)
#starwars #starwarsmastodon #starwarsfediverse #ahsoka #sabinewren #mandalore
#StarWars #StarWarsMastodon #starwarsfediverse #ahsoka #sabinewren. The Queen of #Mandalore (fanfic)
#starwars #starwarsmastodon #starwarsfediverse #ahsoka #sabinewren #mandalore
#starwars #starwarsrebels #ahsokaTVshow #sabinewren #faceswap #natashaliubordizzo #reface #prequelai #aiart #mandalorian #mandoade #mandalore #queenofmandalore #fanfic #koskareeves
#starwars #starwarsrebels #ahsokatvshow #sabinewren #faceswap #natashaliubordizzo #reface #prequelai #aiart #mandalorian #mandoade #mandalore #queenofmandalore #fanfic #koskareeves
Property of #Mandalore - $15 #tshirt
#mandalore #tshirt #deal #delete #mandalorian #starwars
#PedroPascal , the #RedViper of #Dorne , and King of #Mandalore . Of all the portraits I’ve ever drawn, this one is my favourite.
#Drawing #Portrait #PortraitDrawing #Graphite #Charcoal #GreyTonedPaper #Art #ArtOfMastodon #MastoArt #ArtistOfMastodon #Mandalorian #GOT #GameOfThrones
#pedropascal #redviper #dorne #mandalore #drawing #portrait #portraitdrawing #graphite #charcoal #greytonedpaper #art #artofmastodon #mastoart #artistofmastodon #mandalorian #got #gameofthrones
Din Djarin, "Mando", in beskar armor. #themandalorian #mando #dindjarin #starwars #mandalorian #mandalore #deathwatch #bountyhunter #grogu #babyyoda #empire #jedi #sith #lukeskywalker #ashoka
#themandalorian #mando #DinDjarin #starwars #mandalorian #mandalore #Deathwatch #bountyhunter #Grogu #babyyoda #empire #jedi #sith #lukeskywalker #Ashoka
Boba Fett, not as a petty crime boss on Tatooine (or head of the Hutt Syndicate or the Black Sun), but as Mand'alor from the original Continuity! The colors of his Beskar'gam:
Bronze for leadership
Black for justice
Green for duty
White for Mandalore and Concordia's fresh start
Red to honour those lost in the Yuuzhan Vong war
#sfw #starwars #bobafett #mandalore #scifi #supercommando #beskargam
#starwars #mandalore #scifi #sfw #bobafett #supercommando #beskargam