I finally saw Season 3/Episode 2 of The Mandalorean, and all I can think is:
puppet x puppet scene, carl weathers delivering comedic support via pet door
mandalorian initiation ceremony unfortunate situated giant turtle nesting area
space pirate king swamp thing
Am Samstag geht’s weiter mit unserer #Mandalorean #StarWarsFFG Kampagne. Mal schauen ob wir da was reißen können oder Hops gehen.
Aufs Risiko hin mich im Zuge der ganzen Hasbro/Wizards Bullshit Saga mal mit was unpopulären zu outen, geht’s die Woche drauf endlich mal wieder mit #CurseOfStrahd weiter, also quasi #dnd5e.
Außerdem arbeite ich mich weiter durch diverse Fränkische Legenden- und Sagenbände, um mich auf #Vaesen in Franken vorzubereiten.
#TheOneRing und #CyBorg stehen am Horizont.
#mandalorean #StarWarsFFG #curseofstrahd #dnd5e #Vaesen #TheOneRing #cyborg
Yes. Our #AgeOfRebellion campaign is currently on hiatus, but a couple players of the group are currently playing a #Mandalorean #EdgeOfTheEmpire campaign online via discord.
The whole thing has an #Andor struggling against oppression by the Empire vibe to it. Also, we’re getting our butt kicked. #Pewpewpew
#AgeOfRebellion #mandalorean #EdgeoftheEmpire #Andor #pewpewpew
My latest and largest #3DPrint to date: #Mandalorean bucket that looks vaguely dwarven with a beard.
My latest and largest #3DPrint to date: #Mandalorean bucket that looks vaguely dwarven with a beard.