Stephen #Biko è stato probabilmente, insieme a Nelson #Mandela, il simbolo della lotta allâ#apartheid in #Sudafrica.
#Biko #mandela #apartheid #sudafrica #IlPost #mastonotizie
Stephen #Biko è stato probabilmente, insieme a Nelson #Mandela, il simbolo della lotta allâ#apartheid in #Sudafrica.
#Biko #mandela #apartheid #sudafrica #IlPost
Ă morto Mangosothu #Bukulezi (#IFP|Destra zulu) all'etĂ di 95 anni. Dal '77 al '94 era stato il Primo ministro del Bantustan di #KwaZulu ed era uno dei tre candidati alle elezioni presidenziali del '94, per poi prendere parte al governo di unitĂ nazionale di Nelson #Mandela come Ministro degli affari interni.
#sudafrica #bukulezi #ifp #kwazulu #mandela
@blackjoy @clayrivers The best thing about that statue is its placement. The SA Embassy is directly across Massachusetts Avenue from the #British Embassy, and its statue of #Churchill giving the âV-For-Victoryâ salute. #Mandela was placed across from him, giving a #BlackPower salute. Itâs just a giant Fâ- You to #colonialism that I adore every time I pass it. So brilliant.
#colonialism #BlackPower #mandela #churchill #british
Whoa!! Real creepy #Mandela effect this morning. Obviously I've not switched quantum universes overnight and this is obviously nothing but a misremembered memory. But I was listening to "The Safety Dance" on Spotify. I was utterly convinced it was by a band called "men with hats" when actually it's by a band called "men WITHOUT hats"
Now, bear in mind safety dance is one of my guilty pleasures and on my random playlist .. it honestly made the hairs on my neck rise when I realised!!
#SteinsGate predates the #Mandela effect's theory of changing worldlines. The 1980s miniseries "V" predates David Icke's #reptilians. I guess if you want to publish a conspiracy, watch some Crunchyroll or Tubi for inspiration.
#steinsgate #mandela #reptilians
Nelson #Mandela 2003: #Yhdysvallat ei välitä ihmishengistä. #Japani'nkaan #ydinpommitus ei ollut japanilaisia vastaan vaan #viesti Neuvostoliitolle, että "tämän me teemme, jos et anna meidän tehdä mitä haluamme." #jäljetpelottavat #DCA
#mandela #yhdysvallat #japani #ydinpommitus #viesti #jaljetpelottavat #dca
#OnThisDay Birth Anniversary of Neil Armstrong (1930) - American #Astronaut and aeronautical engineer who was the first person to walk on the Moon.
#Apartheid: Nelson #Mandela was jailed (1962). He was not released until 1990.
American actress Marilyn Monroe was found dead (1962) at her home from a drug overdose.
#mandela #Apartheid #astronaut #onthisday
Investing in children means investing in the future of humanity. - Nelson Mandela
#ChildrenAreTheFuture #InvestInKids #BrighterTomorrow #NelsonMandela #Mandela
#childrenarethefuture #investinkids #brightertomorrow #nelsonmandela #mandela
"Moreover, the #ANC government appears pathologically unable or unwilling to face up to facts, including about its relationships with despots.
[...] the West has finally woken up to the realisation that the ANC today is no longer the party of #Mandela and #Mbeki, but something incompetent at best and more sinister at worst. Either way, it is not a reliable friend and ally, by no means a safe haven for pensionersâ investments and citizensâ tax dollars."
#anc #mandela #mbeki #southafrica
Das kann man nur begrĂźĂen. Der #ANC ist nur noch ein Schatten seiner Selbst. Mit Nelson #Mandela haben die nichts mehr gemein.
#risemzansi #sudafrika #mandela #anc
#Sospesi i #treni tra #Avezzano e #Guidonia per la giornata di domani, previsti autobus sostitutivi
#Avezzano. Dalle 19.25 di domani fino alle 6.55 di domenica, sarĂ sospesa la circolazione dei #treni tra le stazioni di #Avezzano e #Guidonia a causa di lavori in corso. Previsto un servizio di autobus tra #Avezzano e #Roma, #Avezzano e #Guidonia, #Tivoli e #Avezzano, #Mandela e #Avezzano, #Tivoli e #Guidonia e #Mandela e #Pescara. I
#L'articoloSospesi i #treni tra #Avezzano e #Guidonia per la giornata di domani, previsti autobus sostitutivi sembra essere il primo su #AbruzzoLive.
Trains between #Avezzano and #Guidonia suspended for #tomorrow, replacement buses planned
#Avezzano. From #7.25p.m. #tomorrow until #6.55a.m. on #Sunday, trains will be suspended between the #Avezzano and #Guidonia stations due to work in progress. A bus service is planned between #Avezzano and #Rome, #Avezzano and #Guidonia, #Tivoli and #Avezzano, #Mandela and #Avezzano, #Tivoli and #Guidonia and #Mandela and #Pescara. I
#L'articoloSospesi i #treni tra #Avezzano e #Guidonia per la giornata di domani, previsti autobus sostitutivi sembra il primo su #AbruzzoLive.
5-5-2023 10:2 #AbruzzoLive
#sospesi #treni #avezzano #guidonia #roma #tivoli #mandela #pescara #l #abruzzolive #tomorrow #sunday #rome
Nelson Mandelaâs #Ubuntu #Atheism and Why It Matters
A fascinating exploration of the beliefs of #Mandela by Mark Kolsen, in the latest issue of Free Inquiry.
#Marge compares #Trump to Nelson #Mandela, #Jesus
I keep reading this and laughing and laughing.
#grammar #GrammarJokes #OxfordComma #humor #Ustinov #Mandela #AynRand #God #KrisKristofferson #MerleHaggard #RobertDuvall
#grammar #grammarjokes #oxfordcomma #humor #ustinov #mandela #aynrand #god #kriskristofferson #merlehaggard #robertduvall
L'effetto #Mandela è una delle leggende metropolitane piÚ famose della #Rete. Tra i casi non descritti in articolo ricordiamo il marketing dei giocattoli: spesso il bambino ricorda "l'ultima versione" del gioco piÚ bello come se fosse la prima
Interesting Article how #Ghandi.s strategy of passive resistance (pacifism) didn't entirely work out and how he diminished #grassroots #resistance. And why Mandela failed with it.
I'm not a fan of #Jacobin, but this seems interesting.
#pacifism #passiveresistance #reformer #revolutionary #mahatmagandhi #India #colonialim #colonialization #decolonialization #mandela #southafrica
#ghandi #grassroots #resistance #jacobin #pacifism #passiveresistance #reformer #Revolutionary #mahatmagandhi #india #colonialim #colonialization #decolonialization #mandela #southafrica
"I have no problem being regarded as a Black writer, but I wonât be confined by itâ
Interview with Gary Younge on race, politics and pigeonholing.
#mandela #Race #blackhistory #Politics #garyyounge
New evidence being revealed today by Richard Stengel on strengthens claims that the #CIA helped South Africa's racist regime capture anti-apartheid leader Nelson #Mandela in 1962âŚ
Stengel reveals that Mandela told him [in 1993] that he had heard an American consul with CIA connections had tipped off South African authorities about Mandela's travel habitsâŚ