Ach, wie schön hat Ossip #Mandelstam
über #Stalin geschrieben.
Aber wer schreibt heute noch #Gedichte,
über die #Massenmörder im #Kreml?
#kreml #massenmorder #gedichte #stalin #mandelstam Three #poems by Osip #Mandelstam - #translated by #AndreyKneller- ru-eng #parallelText - mp3 #podcast #poetry #translation
"The century-wolfhound leaps for my throat, But my blood is not that of a wolf,Stuff me, a hat, up the sleeve of the coat
Of the warm Siberian wool.
Take me into the night where the Yenisei cools And the pines reach the firmament, stately,
For my blood, after all, is not that of a wolf, And none but an equal can slay me.
March 17-18, 1931
#poems #mandelstam #translated #andreykneller #paralleltext #podcast #poetry #translation
Next up, I was keen to explore the McKane translations of #Mandelstam so tracked down this edition - very intriguing.... 😊 2/3
Next up, I was keen to explore the McKane translations of #Mandelstam so tracked down this edition - very intriguing.... 😊 2/3
Hot off the (digital) press - Mandelshtam's manifesto The Morning of Acmeism and his essays on the Word and Culture, François Villon and Dante Alighieri. Translated by A. S. Kline:
#openaccess #mandelstam #mandelshtam #poetrymastodon
Book Review
#russia #jews #family #art #literature #poetry #Leningrad #Moscow #revolution #war #Rembrandt #Pushkin #Tolstoy #Mandelstam #Akhmatova #Tsvetaeva #YakovSverdlov #Sebold #selfies #love #death #birth #history #photography #Lyubyanka #Dickens #doctors #soviet #CharlotteSalomon #singing #eating #love #women #men #remembering #memory #mariastepanova
#russia #jews #family #art #literature #poetry #leningrad #moscow #revolution #war #rembrandt #pushkin #tolstoy #mandelstam #Akhmatova #tsvetaeva #yakovsverdlov #sebold #selfies #love #death #birth #history #photography #lyubyanka #dickens #doctors #soviet #charlottesalomon #singing #eating #women #men #remembering #memory #MariaStepanova #RussianPoetry- #Pushkin -#Akhmatova -#Pasternak-#Tsvetaeva-#Mandelstam- rus-eng mp3 #parallelText #podcasting #audiobook #RussianLiterature #intercultural #poetry #translation #AndreyKneller
#RussianPoetry #pushkin #Akhmatova #pasternak #tsvetaeva #mandelstam #paralleltext #podcasting #audiobook #russianliterature #intercultural #poetry #translation #andreykneller