A few sketches from my last three trike rides. The first one, it rained. The second I had a flat battery and nearly had apoplexy by the time I arrived home.
Today's was great 🙂
#MandoArt #Art #Sketch #UrbanSketching ##PenAndWatercolour #RecumbentTrike #BikeTooter #cycling #etrike
#mandoart #art #sketch #urbansketching #penandwatercolour #recumbenttrike #biketooter #cycling #etrike
I was sketching a house when the owner came out and asked me what I was up to. He had a look and asked to buy it. I asked him to wait until it was finished before he decided.
He bought it! Which paid for a few more tubes of paint
#mandoart #art #pleinair #penandwatercolour #Toowoomba