Please donate to The OpenBSD Foundation to help them reach their goal for 2022.
They do not only provide support for #OpenBSD, but also to related projects such as #OpenSSH, #OpenBGPD, #OpenNTPD, #OpenSMTPD, #LibreSSL, #mandoc and #rpki-client.
Thank you! :flan_thumbs:
#openbsd #openssh #openbgpd #openntpd #opensmtpd #libressl #mandoc #rpki
reading #contracts is more exhausting than writing a #mandoc for the first time;... annalogy for contract negotiation in mandoc is mandoc -Tlint ...rince n repeat.....
#mandoc -Tlint nsh.1 has exploded (and im not saying it is due to name on the file ... (more like the contents :)
Starting at the top and working down ...
Do people realise how long it takes to write manuals
it takes a while ...
it kind of sucks when you find a better formatted manpage and you know in your heart and soul that you got to go back and re do all your mandoc tags ... perfection is a moving target #mandoc #OpenBSD #nsh a video of Ingo' Schwartze'#s Presentation on Documentation and LibreSSL in @eurobsdcon 2018, Ingo Demonstrates as always his keen attention to detail. Im just sorry that I didnt arrive in time for the start of the Presentation #RUNBSD #mandoc #LibreSSL
Slides for Ingo Schwarze' #EuroBSDcon 2018 talk "Better documentation - on the web and for #LibreSSL"
#mandoc #OpenBSD
Video: :flan_tired:
#eurobsdcon #libressl #mandoc #openbsd
Ingo Schwarze: Forget reusability, aim for perfection - #BSDCan 2018
#bsdcan #openbsd #bsd #mandoc #documentation