#RPGMy tabletop RPG booth at #MandoMayhem the public event organised by the #StarWars #Malaysia Fan Club at The School by #JayaOne at Section 13, PJ. On Day Two, I ran two more sessions of FFG's #StarWarsRPG with new players, my former players AND CHILDREN of my forrmer players playing their dads' actual D6 player characters converted to FFG!
Thank you to everyone who came to our table even if only to ask questions. And thanks to Gray for organising this!
#rpgmy #mandomayhem #starwars #malaysia #jayaone #starwarsrpg
Our #RPGMy tabletop RPG booth at #MandoMayhem the public event organised by the #StarWars #Malaysia Fan Club at The School by #JayaOne at Section 13, PJ. I ran two sessions of FFG's Star Wars RPG. One of the players in the second session was my former players 30 years ago!
#rpgmy #mandomayhem #starwars #malaysia #jayaone