Today's #Gamescom loot :blobcatlove:
BUT nothing competes with the #HouseFlipper2 booth, so far :blobcatgiggle:
I gotta admit that the #TheCrewMotorfest high visibility vest is pretty cool, though :ablobcatneon:
#Gamescom2023 #Convention #Gaming #VideoGames #ShareYourGames #OnePunchMan #Mandragora
#gamescom #houseflipper2 #thecrewmotorfest #gamescom2023 #convention #gaming #videogames #shareyourgames #onepunchman #mandragora
Ihr kennt sicher aus Final Fantasy diese süßen Mandragoras? Jetzt im Loot Shop zu haben! 💜
🌸 #lootshop #loot #merchandise #koblenz #FinalFantasy #SquareEnix #FinalFantasyXIV #FinalFantasyXI #Mandragora
#mandragora #finalfantasyxi #finalfantasyxiv #squareenix #finalfantasy #koblenz #merchandise #loot #lootshop
Direct evidence of the use of multiple drugs in Bronze Age Menorca (Western Mediterranean) from human hair analysis #BronzeAge #Menorca #ForensicToxicology #datura #mandragora
#bronzeage #menorca #forensictoxicology #datura #mandragora
Mandragora v2023.02.06 (Lexaloffle Pico-8) (Game)
#Game #Mandragora #P8 #Pico-8 #Pico8 #shantih19
Mandragora by shantih19 is a fast-paced platform game made for PICO-8.
In this game, you need to shout your way to victory. You have to defeat the other player by shouting at him and making him fall in the open ground....
#shantih19 #pico8 #pico #p8 #mandragora #game
This is my Mandrake - their name is Aeaea after the island that was the sorceress Circe’s home. #Mandrake #mandragora #magic #mythology #PlantLore #folklore
#mandrake #mandragora #magic #mythology #plantlore #folklore
I don't doubt all of it is absolutely correct for that person's environment and experiences. But what worked well for some won't work for the ones I cultivate, and vice versa (to an extent, there are some basics that hold no matter where you are- soil acidity, broad temp range, drainage, etc.)
One really must look and listen. No substiitute for that. 2/2
Just finished my draft blog post for the #ToneCity #Mandragora overdrive pedal.
Full #HomeToneBlog #FirstImpressions post will be out next week.
tl;dr - if you need a fairly generic overdrive with nice mids that won't steal the limelight from other instruments, it's worth getting one.
#ToneCity #mandragora #HomeToneBlog #firstimpressions #guitar #GuitarTwitter
Picture 6: Mandragora autumnalis is a perennial plant that can be found all along the mediterranean region. It flowers in autumn and usually grows next to roads, rivers and streams, on clay or calcareous soils. This photo was taken near the city of Córdoba (Andalusia, Spain) in October, 2022. #mandragora #Sierradecórdoba #Córdoba #andalucía #Botany #Botánica #mandrake #wildflowers #naturephotography #nature #flowers #florespondence
#mandragora #sierradecordoba #cordoba #andalucia #botany #botanica #mandrake #wildflowers #naturephotography #nature #flowers #florespondence
Ci hanno sgamato #SpiniNelFianco
Psicosi #Mandragora in Campania e Abruzzo, l'erba tossica avrebbe contaminato diversi lotti di spinaci.
Ma si tratta davvero della macchiavellica pianta?
Noi del #TerzoPolo puntiamo il dito verso i famigerati #spininelfianco
#terzopolo #mandragora #spininelfianco
Dalla vista offuscata al coma, gli effetti collaterali della mandragora #06Ottobre #AttualitàRegione #Regione #EffettiCollaterali #Mandragora
#mandragora #effetticollaterali #regione #AttualitàRegione #06Ottobre
Mandragora / The First To Talk / Sal Viento Bishop Quintus / Big Bob / Big Adam
Cat Mage / Sea Monster / Angler Fish Cleric / Minotaur / Minotaur
#Art #Arknights #Anthro #Furry #FurryArt #Mandragora #Mage #Cat #CatGirl #Female #FirstToTalk #SeaMonster #Male #BishopQuintus #Cleric #AnglerFish #BigBob #Minotaur #MinotaurBoy #BigAdam #SizeDifference
#アークナイツ #明日方舟 #명일방주 #ケモ #ケモノ #兽人 #獸人 #獣人
#獣人 #獸人 #兽人 #ケモノ #ケモ #명일방주 #明日方舟 #アークナイツ #sizedifference #BigAdam #minotaurboy #minotaur #BigBob #anglerfish #cleric #BishopQuintus #male #seamonster #FirstToTalk #female #catgirl #cat #mage #mandragora #furryart #furry #anthro #arknights #art
Fiorentina, Mandragora: `Il Napoli è la mia squadra del cuore, un giorno chissà...` #fiorentina #mandragora #napoli #è #squadra #cuore #chissà #22luglio
#22luglio #chiss #cuore #squadra #napoli #mandragora #fiorentina
Cat Mage
#Art #Arknights #Anthro #Furry #FurryArt #Mandragora #Mage #Cat #CatGirl #Female
#アークナイツ #明日方舟 #명일방주 #ケモ #ケモノ #兽人 #獸人 #獣人
#獣人 #獸人 #兽人 #ケモノ #ケモ #명일방주 #明日方舟 #アークナイツ #female #catgirl #cat #mage #mandragora #furryart #furry #anthro #arknights #art
Juve-Torino, primo incontro per Pjaca e Mandragora: il punto sul futuro | Primapagina | #juve-torino #incontro #pjaca #mandragora #punto #futuro #primapagina #calciomercatocom #3giugno
#3giugno #calciomercatocom #PrimaPagina #futuro #punto #mandragora #pjaca #incontro #juve
Skyhill: Black Mist trades in towers for tactical sneakiness - #PCGameNews #Mandragora #Klabater
#pcgamenews #mandragora #klabater