Cool! :) The main 'tasks' and 'bugs' are coordinated at savannah [1]; we have some loosely organised irc/matrix channels e.g. [2].
To test a real science paper (peer-reviewed), not too heavy computationally, I recommend [3] (a not-quite-final version ran fully from scratch on a pinephone).
[2] irc: ##maneage
matrix bridge:
[3] =
#Maneage directory policy allows neat shifting of output dirs. Intra-install (no recompilation) tracing shows exact results-reproducibility backwards :) to the step running [1]. This uses Voronoi + ConvexHull from scipy.spatial. Re-running this step via our workflow [2] gives different results on the same N-body simulation.
Are scipy.spatial #Voronoi or #ConvexHull known to give non-reproducible results?
We use #CosmicVoids in [1][2], which in N-body sims are traced by low num-densities of particles => high noise. Full #Maneage controls + fixed seed rng's. We still have intramachine + (higher) intermachine randomness. Statistical upper limits to results OK. But still untraced sources of randomness.
Any clues for remaining randomness [2]?
#Reproducibility #ArXiv_2304_00591 #OpenScience
[1] Frozen record:
[2] Live git:
#openscience #arxiv_2304_00591 #reproducibility #maneage #cosmicvoids
#CosmicVoids should be detectable via their #GravitationalLensing effects.
Check this starting with a floppy-disk sized source snapshot [1].
#Reproducibility is via the #Maneage template of shell+make files.
Full research paper: [2][3][4][5]
[2] Preprint: #ArXiv_2304_00591
[3] Frozen record:
[4] Live git:
#openscience #cosmology #arxiv_2304_00591 #maneage #reproducibility #gravitationallensing #cosmicvoids
Seems like a pity for python not to benefit from GSL, especially when the explanation is to weaken the protection for freedom. Scipy certainly appears to be developing fast, seems to work correctly, has a wide variety of useful functions, and is well documented. Some reproducibility controls on python 3.10.6 in #Maneage are waiting for merging [2], though we're missing a python uninstall system [3].
Dans le cadre de la #reproducibility des projets de recherche à la #maneage, voilà où nous sommes pour installer un .tar.gz d'un paquet python après vérification du checksum - en gros c'est 'bdist_wheel' + 'installer' :
python bdist_wheel
python -m installer dist/*.whl
Discussion et commits ici :
#Maneage talk for tomorrow morning 10:00 UTC+2 Fri 16 Sep 2022 at the Ten Years of Guix meeting [1], in principle live-streamed [2]:
#maneage #openscience #reproducibility
On Friday, we'll have talks on using #Guix for research, but also on other people & tools sharing common goals: #Maneage, #Nix, #SoftwareHeritage, #OCaml #bootstrapping, #bioinformatics, and more.
#bioinformatics #bootstrapping #ocaml #softwareheritage #nix #maneage #guix
Cosmology research paper reproducible from plain text source on a #Mobian #Pinephone using the #Maneage template/git tree:
* preprint:
* full source + pdf:
* live git:
* archived git:
#Reproducibility on pinephone (or other): download sources, compile, non-root install, run simulations, analyse results, verify checksums, produce final pdf.
Please post bug reports at #codeberg !
#mobian #pinephone #maneage #reproducibility #codeberg
Science #reproducibility challenge: does your project fully reproduce on a Unix-like phone?
A science project that branches off #Maneage commit 5a6e6e6 fully reproduced on my #Mobian #arm64 #pinephone: downloading source, configuring/compiling, running cosmology simulations, analysing+plotting results, producing a pdf (nearly) ready for peer review. :)) - patches upstreamed to #Maneage.
PS: sms/phone/camera work fine too :P
#reproducibility #maneage #mobian #arm64 #pinephone #openscience
#TLDRBHTWL (too long, didn't read, but happy to watch and listen)?
Good overviews of #Maneage by Mohammad Akhlaghi :
20 minute presentation June 2020 -
80 minute longer presentation , including questions, March 2021 -
#TLDRBHTWL #maneage #peertube #reproducibility #openscience
Here's a Nature Astronomy News & Views description of why our #Reproducibility criteria for longevity are "rigorous" and "onerous", by #MichelleKuttel. There's a nice description of #Maneage, with a warning that Maneage does not seem to cater to Windows users (oh dear!), and that "bells and whistles" for the #TyrannyOfConvenience generation are lacking.
Privacy disclaimer: gives the subscription-only pdf but requires something like chromium with absolutely no protection!
#reproducibility #MichelleKuttel #maneage #tyrannyofconvenience
Apparently #Reproducibility is very popular at #CiSE (Computing in Science and Engineering). The #IEEE host server for CiSE claims [1] that our #Maneage paper, formally published a few days ago (Akhlaghi+2021, CiSE, 23, 82 [2]), is currently CiSE's sixth most popular article!
#reproducibility #cise #ieee #maneage #openscience
Mohammad (Akhlaghi, the real main author, not just alphabetically favoured) accepted my changes based on your comments on ReproZip, with minor adjustments:
You're acknowledged on p7; the extended ReproZip section is App B.T on p 24.
I'm not sure you'll be completely happy, but I did circulate the draft on my fediverse account a year ago... #Maneage (2020-06-05, 2020-09-24, 2020-11-27)
Our #Maneage paper in CiSE ( on criteria for reproducible scientific papers states in section T of Appendix B what ReproZip is and why it doesn't satisfy our criteria (sorry!). In Appendix A.D, there's a paragraph on git #ScholarlyEphemera. See (currently the ephemera paragraph is in branch 'appA_archiving'). [Not yet updated: ]
#maneage #ScholarlyEphemera #openscience #reproducibility
Que pensent les organisateurs d'une éventuelle présentation de #Maneage le mardi entre 11h30 et 12h00 ? [1] On déplacerait alors la table ronde un peu. L'article de base, ArXiv:2006.03018, vient d'être accepté, et deux articles scientifiques sous Maneage, ArXiv:2007.11779 et ArXiv:2010.03742, ont passé la prèmiere phase du peer review. ArXiv:2007.11779 a déjà eu presque deux mille téléchargements (mille vues) sur Zenodo : .
Reproducibility without the legal right to develop a scientific project further wastes time and threatens copyright attacks against similar projects.
The 8 #Maneage criteria [1] are more favourable for community development:
* completeness (no non-POSIX dep., no root, network optional, plain text);
* modular design;
* minimal complexity;
* scalability;
* verifiable inputs and outputs;
* version control;
* linking analysis with narrative;
* free software.
#OpenScience #Cosmology #Reproducibility @civodul
Make your own #galaxies starting from a POSIX system, and check our results with our #Maneage pipeline:
"The role of the elaphrocentre in low surface brightness galaxy formation"
* #ArXiv preprint:
* #Zenodo:
* live git #codeberg:
* archived git #swh:
Default resources for 128^3 particles, levelmax=12, 4 cores: 8 hours, 14.8 Gb RAM, 162 Gb disk.
#openscience #cosmology #reproducibility #galaxies #maneage #arxiv #zenodo #codeberg #swh
Merci ! :). "Most likely to succeed" is at least as useful as "posixally correct". This branch of #maneage (for a particular research paper) should become public reasonably soon ;).
@fribbledom This is for the #Maneage #reproducibility system for science research papers - - in case you or anyone wants to know the relevance. :)