@Rp12Biker :verified: · @Rp12Biker
311 followers · 258 posts · Server oldbytes.space

Now I'm curious who knows the , or more uncommon who has ever seen one in real life.
At the end of the 1980s, a book by was published by the military publishing house of the GDR. It described how to build your own computer based on the 'Zilog' CPU. The book goes into many details, including monitor listings, circuit board layouts and technical details.
The example on the pic comes from the person who developed the circuit board layouts at the time. It has a personal dedication from Manfred Kramer and so it appears to be No. 2 of the KramerMC. In parts it is still usable, at least its display preparation is working again after extensive repairs.

#kramermc #manfredkramer #u880 #retrocomputing #gdr #zilog #z80 #computermuseum

Last updated 1 year ago