MST Club runs a night of BBC shows on Sundays, which leads off for some reason with the non-BBC The Man From Uncle! It's starting now! #noxp #MSTClub #BBC #ManFromUncle #ForSomeReason #TV #WatchAlong
#noxp #MSTClub #bbc #manfromuncle #forsomereason #tv #watchalong
The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (2015)
The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (2015)
This was actually a lot fun. Not a bad update and homage to the original series. Had the a Guy Ritchie touch for sure, but still felt like Vaughn and McCallum. #GuyRitchie #ManFromUncle #spydom #spyfy #MovieReview
#guyritchie #manfromuncle #spydom #spyfy #moviereview
Half-Price Books was having a sale so I managed to snag this stack for less than $40. I was especially happy to find those UNCLE books! #comics #books #ManFromUNCLE
The scene where the guys are arguing about women's fashion always makes me giggle. #ManFromUncle
"I know what he said. What does it mean?" - Solo #ManFromUncle #HenryCavill
"Don't ever make the mistake of confusing my deliberate shortsightedness for blindness." #ManFromUncle
"Somehow it just doesn't seem like the right thing to do."- Solo #ManFromUncle #HenryCavill
"Do you mind terribly if I borrow your car." Solo #ManFromUncle #HenryCavill
Last multifandom fic recs of the year (#Hellsing, #JeevesAndWooster, #HarryPotter, #ManFromUNCLE, #MontyPython, #MoonKnight)
#hellsing #jeevesandwooster #harrypotter #manfromuncle #montypython #moonknight #recs #fanfic
All Iām saying about the Henry Cavill news is that it finally frees him up for the #ManFromUNCLE sequel we deserve.
Also, I really need to finish watching the Snyder Cut sometime.
But mostly the first thing.
A pile of new shows to watch on streaming, but still I can't resist when TCM starts doing a repeat run of classic 60s superspy series Man From UNCLE...
#ManFromUNCLE #superspy #spy #1960s #robertvaughan #davidmccallum #television
#television #davidmccallum #robertvaughan #1960s #spy #superspy #manfromuncle
Film/tv addict and academic, fan & cult studies, classic hollywood, freelance writer, have snark will thirst #DoctorWho #Blakes7 #ManFromUncle #TaylorSwift #TCMParty
Current shows:
Current media projects:
#doctorwho #blakes7 #manfromuncle #taylorswift #TCMParty #StarskyandHutch #hillstreetblues #thesaint #beverlyhills90210 #doctornotdoctor
Okaaaaaaayyyeeeee #top5ships
1. Blake/Avon but also Avon canonically wants to bone everyone by Series D so I'm cool with most ships, especially Avon/Servalan #blakes7
2. Napoleon/Illya. Duh. Together forever. Heart eyes. #manfromuncle
3. Two/Jamie, but in a very ace way? They're just, like, pair bonded #doctorwho
After that it goes into uncategorized mess for everything I watch but along the lines of Chlark, Literati, Starsky & Hutch, Jim/Blair, Bones/Spock etc
#top5ships #blakes7 #manfromuncle #doctorwho
Film/tv addict and academic, fan & cult studies, classic hollywood, freelance writer, have snark will thirst #DoctorWho #Blakes7 #ManFromUncle #TaylorSwift #TCMParty
Current shows:
Current media projects:
#doctorwho #blakes7 #manfromuncle #taylorswift #TCMParty #starskyandhutch #hillstreetblues #thesaint #beverlyhills90210 #doctornotdoctor