To all #OnePiece fans out there, a mutual here just suggested that we should create an hashtag for talks about the latest chapters released on #MangaPlus it is!
I suggest the hashtag #OPMangaPlus for all those who want to talk about the last officially released One Piece chapters.
I still recommend using a CW, just to avoid spoiling some people inadvertently, and also never use that with the normal "#OnePiece" hashtag to avoid those who aren't caught up to see the newest things
#onepiece #mangaplus #opmangaplus
The chapter was really deeply impressive. Just wow.
Maybe we need our own One Piece spoiler talk hashtag. On the condition, of course, that we only discuss the chapter after its legal release.
The chapters are released on Monday mornings after Japanese local time. For me in Germany, that's usually Sunday at 5 pm on Manga Plus.
#onepiece #spoiler #mangaplus #Manga #chaptertalk #onepiece1084
#onepiece1084 #chaptertalk #manga #mangaplus #spoiler #onepiece
Reading some manga in volume form is a completely different experience from reading them as a serialization.
#SPYxFAMILY completely benefits from the volume form, specially for its longer arcs (Cruise Arc, for example). In #MangaPlus it can be a bit tedious, since it publishes every two weeks.
Others, like #DetectiveConan / #CaseClosed work better in their serialized form because you have time to analyze the info presented.
#spyxfamily #mangaplus #detectiveconan #caseclosed #manga #bookstodon
Chapter 7 of Jiangshi X by Norihiko Kurazono gives a little hiccup in the brutal and dark pacing to give a quick history lesson on the bad guys!
#jiangshix #norihikokurazono #jiangshixchapter7 #kyonshix #manga #jiangshi #chapter7 #upending #mangareview #viz #vizmedia #otaku #weeb #englishmanga #shonenjump #jumpplus #nathanacollins #arbashmughal #mangaplus
#jiangshix #norihikokurazono #jiangshixchapter7 #kyonshix #manga #jiangshi #chapter7 #upending #mangareview #viz #vizmedia #otaku #weeb #englishmanga #shonenjump #jumpplus #nathanacollins #arbashmughal #mangaplus
Some important implications happen in chapter 12 of Fabricant 100 by Daisuke Enoshima. Plus, it is a pretty Hugo heavy chapter!
#fabricant100 #fabricant100chapter12 #daisukeenoshima #manga #otakunewsreviews #viz #shonenjump #mangareview #englishmanga #mangaplus #ashibi #hugo #enoshimadaisuke #jinzouningen100
#fabricant100 #fabricant100chapter12 #daisukeenoshima #manga #otakunewsreviews #viz #shonenjump #mangareview #englishmanga #mangaplus #ashibi #hugo #enoshimadaisuke #jinzouningen100
🇯🇵 Portada del primer tomo de Cypher Academy, obra de NISIOISIN (serie Monogatari, Medaka Box) y Yuji Iwasaki.
El dúo trabajó previamente en Kuzukago Mountain y Matohazure Q-doubu.
Podéis leer el manga en la aplicación oficial de Shueisha MangaPlus ➕
#Manga #MangaPlus #Shueisha #NISIOISIN #YujiIwasaki #CypherAcademy #Shonen
#manga #mangaplus #shueisha #nisioisin #yujiiwasaki #cypheracademy #shonen
Just finished #OshiNoKo chapter 108 and as a Kanabro I am so happy :YayJump:
Also excited for the next arc because it sounds like we'll be getting more info on the flashback scenes from the beginning :Hype:
I started reading #ichinosefamilydeadlysins today and just caught up to chapter 10. Up until that point I thought it was pretty interesting but a little dull.
Now I'm hooked holy shit wtf aakdsjgkalf
#ichinosefamilydeadlysins #manga #shueisha #mangaplus
Finished "Soloist in a Cage" Yesterday.
Pretty unique story, lovable (and hateable) characters, interesting world, great art. Only "downside": i feel the end is a bit rushed. but that doesn't mean its bad.
Spoilerfree-Synopsis: A prison the size of an city. A girl thats do everything to protect and save her brother. Three prisoners who plan an escape.
Would give 7-8/10
You Can read it for free on #Mangaplus (Official, no Scanlation) under
And then there’s people who pirate things that can be accessed for free, such as the Shueisha Manga on #MangaPlus.
I found a long and nuanced read on the topic:
It actually made me reconsider what I was going to say about the people who read the rips, but as someone who sticks to the official releases, I think it should be common courtesy (especially here where CW/spoiler tags exist) to make it possible for people like me to avoid the spoilers.
I can’t not share this out of context panel from #WitchWatch. It’s the perfect response to people complaining about “wokeness” in anime and manga.
#manga #WSJ #MangaPlus #diversity
#witchwatch #manga #wsj #mangaplus #diversity
Some more hilarious #OnePiece expressions for #AnimangaFoundIt!
More hashtags: #manga #MangaPlus #AnimangaPictureChallenge
#onepiece #animangafoundit #manga #mangaplus #animangapicturechallenge
Might as well include you in my catchup on #OnePiece, so here’s a thread with my two cents on every arc that I read this year, starting with Thriller Bark. #manga #MangaPlus
I keep reading #OnePiece on #MangaPlus and I’m still reading chapters from the 7th tab (each tab holds 50 chapters). Hardly any ongoing manga on there even has 7 or more tabs for *all* existing chapters 🤯
I’ll use the Christmas break to read them all until the “each chapter free to read once” campaign is over.
New Jump chapters are out and my top 3, which I read first, are at the moment, in this order:
1. #UndeadUnluck (Anime coming soon! 😆)
2. #SakamotoDays
3. #AkaneBanashi and #BlueBox (can’t decide)
Which are yours?
#Jump #WSJ #MangaPlus #manga
#undeadunluck #sakamotodays #akanebanashi #bluebox #jump #wsj #mangaplus #manga
I stumbled across some delicious-looking desserts in the newest chapter of “Me and my gangster neighbour” 🤤 for #AnimangaFoundIt
#animangafoundit #mangaplus #meandmygangsterneighbour #bokutojinginakiojisan #manga #animangapicturechallenge
I’m catching up on #OnePiece while it’s free to read on #MangaPlus and just finished Punk Hazard. I enjoyed it more than some other arcs because there was stuff happening the whole time rather than shifting to just a big battle towards the end.
Marvel, DC, Image, Manga - Comics digital lesen - Nur wo fängt man an? (Video) #ComicsLesenLeichtGemacht #DigitaleComicsLesen #MarvelUnlimited #MangaPlus
#mangaplus #marvelunlimited #digitalecomicslesen #comicslesenleichtgemacht