#Fukuyama's claim [0] sort of relates to the #DemocraticPeaceConjecture [1], but his arguments are #Manichaean.
For self-consistency, Fukuyama should compliment, not criticise, Xi Jinping "hobbling the tech sector by going after ... Alibaba and Tencent", since that weakens the #BATX oligopoly [2] and thus strengthens market competition; US anti-trust measures against the #GAFAM oligopoly are slower.
[0] https://archive.today/Dv3yX
#fukuyama #democraticpeaceconjecture #manichaean #batx #gafam
The Gnostic Hymn of the Pearl, A Mystical Poem About You -- All Souls -- Remember Who You Are? The Hymn of the Soul -- Podcast
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The Path of the Living Ones - Sant Mat Satsang #Podcast @ Youtube: https://youtu.be/qQHTms43juY
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E-Library: Gnostic Gospels, Contemplative or Mystical Christianity, Syriac Mystics, Mandaean, Manichaean, Apocrypha, Nag Hammadi Library, Pistis Sophia, Jesus Sutras, Lost Books of the Bible and Spirituality of the West -- Sant Mat Radhasoami Books: https://SantMatRadhasoami.Blogspot.com/2019/01/gnostic-gospels-contemplative-or.html
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The #Manichaean #Gnostic Connection With the #Elchasaites, a Jewish Christian Group with Essene Influences (Vegetarianism, Sabbath Keeping, etc...)
IMAGE: page 32 of, Manichaean Texts from the Roman Empire
#manichaean #gnostic #Elchasaites #mani
Part 3: It was founded by the prophet Mani and had followers from Europe and the Middle East all along the Silk Road, to India and even eastern China. Dharam Das named his son Chura-mani. Eventually Churamani becomes Dharam Das's successor, the second guru of lineage. For sure, the Anurag Sagar is the most Gnostic scripture India has to offer, and more Gnostic in tone than any other text of the Sants (Sant tradition, the Northern and Southern or Maharashtrian Sants).
IMAGE: "The Kal Niranjan" (Lord of Time, Death and Illusion, the Gnostic Demiurge, Universal Collective Mind/Ego of the Cosmos). For more see, The Anurag Sagar: https://tinyurl.com/274qdl8
#gnostic #demiurge #kal #kalniranjan #mani #manichaean #manichaeanism #manichaeans #kabir #gurukabir #santdharamdas #dharamdas #gnosticgospels #gnosticgospel #india #scriptures #sants #SantMat #Radhasoami #AnuragSagar #OceanOfLove #monkeymind #ego #acourseinmiracles #meditation #spirituality #pathofthemasters
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PODCAST: The Cosmic Conspiracy, and... Being A Spiritual Warrior in A World of Illusion -- Spiritual Awakening Radio @ Youtube: https://youtu.be/7hJhPR6_U9w
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