Whether you call them #deceptivedesigns, #darkpatterns or #manipulativeinterfaces, regulators are examining closely the use of these techniques to extract more money or consent or compliance from customers. Learn what they are and how to avoid them. DEMO THIS TRAINING TODAY! https://privacybydesign.training/u131-deceptive-designs/
#privacytraining #privacybydesign #uiuxdesign #privacytech #privacyaware #traininganddevelopment #userinterface #frontenddeveloper
#deceptivedesigns #darkpatterns #manipulativeinterfaces #privacytraining #privacybydesign #uiuxdesign #privacytech #privacyaware #traininganddevelopment #UserInterface #frontenddeveloper
Whether you call them #deceptivedesigns, #darkpatterns or #manipulativeinterfaces, regulators are examining closely the use of these techniques to extract more money or consent or compliance from customers. Learn what they are and how to avoid them. DEMO THIS TRAINING TODAY! https://privacybydesign.training/u131-deceptive-designs/
#privacytraining #privacybydesign #uiuxdesign #privacytech #privacyaware #traininganddevelopment #userinterface #frontenddeveloper
#deceptivedesigns #darkpatterns #manipulativeinterfaces #privacytraining #privacybydesign #uiuxdesign #privacytech #privacyaware #traininganddevelopment #UserInterface #frontenddeveloper
Whether you call them #deceptivedesigns, #darkpatterns or #manipulativeinterfaces, regulators are examining closely the use of these techniques to extract more money or consent or compliance from customers. Learn what they are and how to avoid them. DEMO THIS TRAINING TODAY! https://privacybydesign.training/u131-deceptive-designs/
#privacytraining #privacybydesign #uiuxdesign #privacytech #privacyaware #traininganddevelopment #userinterface #frontenddeveloper
#deceptivedesigns #darkpatterns #manipulativeinterfaces #privacytraining #privacybydesign #uiuxdesign #privacytech #privacyaware #traininganddevelopment #UserInterface #frontenddeveloper