Oh sure when wrathful like cattle, #Manjushri has cow horns and tramples grass like people. In wise painting/portrayal/art we do not get eaten by the wiseless.
Talking of Nirvana:
What prods your goat/cow selfies?
Who says wisdom is contagious?
Are you nun-the-wiser? :ablobrollingeyes:
Saturday May 6, 6-8pm and 10pm-12midnight & Sunday May 7, 6-8pm. Australian Eastern Standard Time
The Manjushri empowerment: Sunday May 7, 2pm-4pm European Central Time exclusively on site.
Online participation: live or time-shifted as video-on-demand.
#lingrinpoche #Buddhism #TibetanBuddhism #prajnaparamita #manjushri
#wisdom #contemplativescience #philosophy #middleway #contemplation
#lingrinpoche #buddhism #TibetanBuddhism #prajnaparamita #manjushri #wisdom #contemplativescience #philosophy #middleway #contemplation #drepung
#garchen - #Manjushri YAMANTAKA
H.E. Garchen Rinpoche and Garchen Institute Lamas February 15 to February 20, 2023 Click Here to Register:
"Practicing Manjushri Yamantaka will bring immense benefit to your country!" H.E. Garchen Rinpoche
As we still find ourselves in unprecedented conditions, this year's #Yamantaka #empowerment and #retreat will be online.
#retreat #empowerment #yamantaka #manjushri #garchen