Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Taryn Manning Posts Bizarre Video Defending Danny Masterson #Jezebel #dannymasterson #christinaricci #charleneolmedo #ashtonkutcher #humaninterest #tarynmanning #masterson #milakunis #manning
#jezebel #dannymasterson #christinaricci #charleneolmedo #ashtonkutcher #humaninterest #tarynmanning #masterson #milakunis #manning
Vor zehn Jahren
35 Jahre Haft für US-#Whistleblowerin Chelsea #Manning
Die IT-Spezialistin Chelsea Manning gab Tausende vertrauliche Dokumente der US-Armee weiter – etwa Videos, die tödliche Angriffe auf Zivilisten im Irak zeigen. Dafür wurde sie 2013 zu 35 Jahren Haft verurteilt.
Sterz, Christoph | 21. August 2023, 09:05 Uhr
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Taryn Manning Apologizes for Rant About ‘Licking’ a Married Man’s ‘Butthole for Weeks on End’ #Jezebel #entertainmentculture #brittanycartwright #markzuckerberg #humaninterest #tarynmanning #shaniatwain #ashleyolsen #louiseisner #manning #otto #jax
#jezebel #entertainmentculture #brittanycartwright #markzuckerberg #humaninterest #tarynmanning #shaniatwain #ashleyolsen #louiseisner #manning #otto #jax
Finally got my hands on this one: OpenShift in Action by Jamie Duncan and John Osborne. Excited to learn about OpenShift.
Der Mitbegründer der Eismarke Ben & Jerry’s wurde anläßlich einer Demonstration für #JulianAssange vor dem #departmentofjustice in #Washington #USA verhaftet.
#Snowden #Manning #ChelseaManning #Assange #demokratie #Pressefreiheit #wikileaks
#wikileaks #pressefreiheit #demokratie #assange #chelseamanning #manning #snowden #usa #washington #departmentofjustice #julianassange
Uma escultura, do artista italiano Davide Dormino, representando os denunciantes Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning e Edward Snowden, foi instalada perto das Casas do Parlamento em Londres no fim de semana, informou o Art Newspaper.
Uma cadeira vazia está ao lado das esculturas, convidando os transeuntes a ficarem ao lado das três figuras.
Crédito da foto: Davide Dormino via The Art Newspaper
Crédito da notícia: Sputnik news
#whistleblower #assange #manning #snowden
"Verax. Come ti controllo con il drone" è un fumetto giornalistico
che tratta della sorveglianza militare con i droni, ma anche della sorveglianza in generale
Tratta di #Snowden, #Assange, #Poitras #Manning e gli altri che hanno portato alla luce la sorveglianza
Merita di essere letto. E' edito da #Feltrinelli
#snowden #assange #Poitras #manning #Feltrinelli
And has been rightly pointed out in several other obits & by #Greenwald, Daniel Ellsberg was a staunch defender of other significant #whistleblowers such as #Assange #Snowden, #Manning Thomas Drake & others.
#greenwald #whistleblowers #assange #snowden #manning
@Cryptome it's all about setting a #Precedent.
#Assange and #Manning just the first that got systematically attacked as a warning sign.
Saying: "Look, we will destroy and break you if you f**k with us!"
@fasnix @digitalcourage Und all die #whistleblower , die es weiterhin zu schützen gilt...
#assange #snowden #manning
#manning #snowden #assange #whistleblower
@ArtForAdults I love it, but is it accurate to attribute this to only Patrick Conlon?
I recognize this evocative image of The #Tranceptor with her Horse Girls, Uma and Una, as it is from my favorite, extremely-graphic novel, *Tranceptor: The Way Station* by #MichaelManning and #PatrickConlon.
While Conlon had some role in the book's illustration, this sketch has the characteristic style of #Manning. Conlon's technique does not focus as much on high-contrast, sharp lines drawn in stark black on white.
For comparison, here is a sample of the art #Conlon created, without Manning, for his graphic novel "Swarm".
#tranceptor #michaelmanning #patrickconlon #manning #conlon
PR Specialist #Manning Global
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Our client, a leading global IT service provider, is recrui...
read more: (#7915)
#germany #InfluencerJob #HiringNow
#manning #dusseldorf #germany #influencerjob #hiringnow
Sounds like a foregone conclusion, to me -- just going to spread some of our tax dollars around to her cronies.
Premier Danielle Smith announces members of COVID-19 review panel | CBC News #abpoli #covid #review #manning
#abpoli #covid #review #manning
@ManningPublications is having a #sale - buy one, get one free, through February 15th. This the first time I've seen a sale like this from Manning, usually it's buy one get 40% off a second.
#Manning is one of my favorite #tech publishers. I find they publish on topics I'm interested in that aren't covered elsewhere and the quality of the #books tends to be high.
Haha, sorry if this sounds like an ad. I just like books and sales (but not an affiliate or anything):
@energisch_ @JoscelynTransient not to mention that two nuclear powers being facist and 5 others moving that direction isn't good either.
Espechally since the orange tyrant got away woth high treason and insurrection, something that everyone would've expected anyone attempting to end up getting executed by a firing squad for...
Yet he ain't even in a 6' x 6' x 6' cell awaiting his trial.
Compare that to the show trials against #Manning and the one planned for #Assange...
My latest book, with a rather verbose title is _Regular Expression Puzzles and AI Coding Assistants: 24 puzzles solved by the author, with and without assistance from Copilot, ChatGPT and more_.
The book is now available on MEAP:
Apparently you get some sort of discount if you use MEAP launch code: mlmertz.
Please check it out. And please comment or give me feedback.
#ai #coding #booklaunch #book #regex #llm #chatgpt #copilot #Manning
#manning #copilot #chatgpt #llm #regex #book #Booklaunch #coding #ai
Still one of the best infographics I’ve seen: #brady #manning #hair