Así nada más, #BandaiNamco
lanza #ManofMedan en la #eShop de #NintendoSwitch este mismo jueves :3.
#bandainamco #manofmedan #eshop #nintendoswitch
Ich hoffe ihr hattet alle einen schönen Tag. Ich habe mit meiner Mama zusammen, ein Zimmer ausgeräumt und den alten Schreibtisch abgebaut und runter getragen.
Dann hab ich noch mein Spiel #Manofmedan weitergespielt und bin jetzt durch 🤣
Geduscht, Sachen rausgelegt für sie Arbeit. Und jetzt noch ein wenig #Mythenmetzger und Vogelgezwitscher.
Schlaft gut
A newer series of #Games that I've been playing is #TheDarkPicturesAnthology.
I 100% #ManOfMedan.
I'm at about 90% of #LittleHope.
Eager to finish that and move to #HouseOfAshes and #TheDevilInMe.
#SupermassiveGames made some great games loads of fun in coop mode as well!
#shareyourgames #games #thedarkpicturesanthology #manofmedan #littlehope #houseofashes #thedevilinme #supermassivegames #gaming #playstation #coopgaming
On my hometrainer again, starting my *hearts only* play through of #TheDarkPicturesAnthology #LittleHope.
It's in movie mode, as I also need that one finished for a trophy as well.
I hope I can 100% this game as well. I managed with #ManOfMedan 😊
#thedarkpicturesanthology #littlehope #manofmedan #shareyourgames #gaming #ps5 #playstation
My last few #PlatinumTrophy I got. Some took me long time achieving, due to various reasons. Most proud of these is #ManOfMedan as it required a lot of things to collect and do! And it's more rare than the others, which is cool as well. 😊
#platinumtrophy #manofmedan #shareyourgames #gaming #ps5 #ps4 #playstation #trophies
En el cuarto episodio de #ManOfMedan entramos en el barco, empezando a ver cosas raras!!
En este segundo episodio de #ManOfMedan nos damos un chapuzón e investigamos un avión derribado. ¡Juego completo disponible en nuestro canal!
Seguimos la maratón de THE QUARRY con @ZephirTheBlack
🩸🔪 A ver si hoy va mejor 🤞 ¿Te vienes? 👀
Dixper activado con cartas de sustos + sonidos de sustos por bits!
#twitch #TwitchES #TheQuarry #supermassivegames #terror #horror #juegostodon #TheDarkPictures #TheDevilInMe #LittleHope #manofmedan #stream #streamer
#twitch #twitches #thequarry #supermassivegames #terror #horror #juegostodon #thedarkpictures #thedevilinme #littlehope #manofmedan #stream #streamer
Empezamos THE QUARRY🩸🔪 Hoy las decisiones también las toma @ZephirTheBlack 👀
¿Te vienes?
Dixper activado con cartas de sustos + sonidos de sustos por bits!
#twitch #TwitchES #TheQuarry #supermassivegames #terror #horror #juegostodon #TheDarkPictures #TheDevilInMe #LittleHope #manofmedan #stream #streamer
#twitch #twitches #thequarry #supermassivegames #terror #horror #juegostodon #thedarkpictures #thedevilinme #littlehope #manofmedan #stream #streamer
aaaa hoy y mañana estaré pasándome el The Quarry en directo!! 🥺 ¿Os pasáis?
🌷 🌷
#twitch #TwitchES #TheQuarry #supermassivegames #terror #horror #juegostodon #TheDarkPictures #TheDevilInMe #LittleHope #manofmedan #stream #streamer
#twitch #twitches #thequarry #supermassivegames #terror #horror #juegostodon #thedarkpictures #thedevilinme #littlehope #manofmedan #stream #streamer
OK, prepared everything for dinner ✅
Walked with Arwen ✅
Bought groceries ✅
Did the laundry ✅
Hung a picture frame ✅
Riding the hometrainer ✅
Starting the PS5 to play a game: in progress. Not sure yet if I want to try for the last trophy in #ManOfMedan or if I want to continue #ConcreteGenie.
With some luck my mate in the UK will be able to help me with Lego Batman 3, maybe he'll get it to 100% for me. We're so close with 98,8%... 😊
#manofmedan #concretegenie #shareyourgames #gaming #saturday #mylife
CW: I look at the camera
Here I go again! Hopefully my last run of this game...
Don't get me wrong, I do love it!
But getting all the trophies requires me loads of replays and that's just a wee bit too much. I'd prefer 4 to 5 plays. Done many more already...
#ShareYourGames #Gaming #PS5 #Playstation #ManOfMedan #Trophies
#shareyourgames #gaming #ps5 #playstation #manofmedan #trophies
So, got one trophy in #ManOfMedan, only one more to go for the platinum!
Leveled up in #ESO.
Now playing some #LEGO #Batman3 I'm VERY close to the 100% but I struggle with all those damned races 😔
if anyone is good at those and able to help, please shout out to me! 😊
#manofmedan #eso #lego #batman3 #shareyourgames #gaming #ps5 #ps4 #playstation
Starting #ManOfMedan again...
Still working on the "head/brain choices only". After this I'll need one more run, to try and kill all the guys. So close but yet, still several hours to play...
I wish I could see how much time I've been playing games on the PlayStation. Except for the end of year videos with your top 5. 😊
#manofmedan #gaming #playstation #ps5
Eating something and then diving back into Man of Medan, till bed time. 😊
Tropjys say they're at 95%, with 28/31 achieved.
It says the next activity available is "Consider all the permutations", which is to play the game with brain options only. Which is what I'm doing now.
The kids are just arriving at the big ship... So still some way to go
#shareyourgames #gaming #ps5 #playstation #manofmedan
So, getting ready to ride my hometrainer and play some #ManOfMedan.
I asked my friend for one more coop for the 🏆 trophy of Girl's Night Out.
This run I'm only allowed options with the brain 🧠 logo, so wonder how this game will go. Probably different from the heart run, as the answers influence the game play.
I ♥ this game but... I would not mind finishing it either, sooooo close right now!
#manofmedan #shareyourgames #gaming #ps5 #playstation
Whoohoo, finished my "all hearts" play through...
Now I gotta go with "all brains" 🧠.
And I need to kill all the guys, but I'll ask my friend if we should try this in coop, as she also needs this 🏆.
#shareyourgames #gaming #ps5 #playstation #manofmedan
I'm riding my hometrainer on a leisure level while continuing my "all hearts" play through of #ManOfMedan.
Burning a few calories, working on my leg muscles, while also enjoying a great game.
I really love this game but it needs many plays to get all the trophies. Or maybe you'll need some luck as well?
3 more to go till that last one...
#manofmedan #shareyourgames #gaming #ps5 #playstation
:dualshock: OK, had some food. Now I'm on the hometrainer, hadn't done that yet today, and I'll start some more Man of Medan. Continue my hearts only play through. Hopefully I can get further a bit till it's time for bed 😴
#manofmedan #gaming #shareyourgames #ps5 #playstation
Getting really close!
Currently playing "all hearts" so after that, all brains 🧠 and I need to kill off all the guys once...
So after my current play through, I'll need two more. Because some deaths are influenced by choices and I *need* just hearts or just brains... 😊
But after the all brains, I can go back to the boat scene and start killing off Alex, Conrad and Brad 😂 fun times ahead.
Can't wait to 💯 it as I really want to start #LittleHope.
#littlehope #manofmedan #shareyourgames