Sonic Pick Me Up
Man....or Astroman?
How is it possible to not feel better after this dynamic trio from the US.
This is one of the very rare Man...or Astroman? songs that contains lyrics, mostly their instrument. I think I have the single version of this song and it's fast than the album.
They also wrote and played the theme song to that quirky animation The adventures of Jimmy Neutron, Boy Genius.
Rockets away!!
The latest #ManOrAstroman EP is pretty solid work for them. They seem to have found a sound between their more experimental stuff and their surf punk roots since Defcon 5...4... that really fits them.
I always wanted to be a top-secret agent.
Code-named "Mozart".
Well, that's all over now.
Έτσι δυναμικά έκλεισε μουσικά και η δεκαετία του '90.
Τι ντράμερ, τι ήχος!
#musicaddict #myfucking90s #manorastroman
#musicaddict #myfucking90s #manorastroman
#ListeningTo "Astro Analog Series Volume 3" by #ManOrAstroMan? [Produced by #SteveAlbini] ! Released July 8, #2014 via #ChunkletIndustries + #Bandcamp
#ChunkletIndustries #listeningto #manorastroman #stevealbini #bandcamp
#ListeningTo "Astro Analog Series Volume 2" by #ManOrAstroMan? [Produced by #SteveAlbini] ! Released July 8, #2014 via #ChunkletIndustries + #Bandcamp
#bandcamp #listeningto #manorastroman #stevealbini #ChunkletIndustries
#ListeningTo "Astro Analog Series Volume 1" by #ManOrAstroMan? [Produced by #SteveAlbini] ! Released July 8, #2014 via #ChunkletIndustries + #Bandcamp
#listeningto #manorastroman #stevealbini #ChunkletIndustries #bandcamp
#ManOrAstroman?! "Live at Third Man Records"
Released 26 April #2017
via #SoundCloud + #ThirdManRecords #Uhn!
#listeningto #soundcloud #thirdmanrecords #manorastroman #uhn