(btw #LaurenSouthern is 100% aiming this selective critique at the “fresh&fit” sector of the #manosphere - which is disgusting & far-right, but crucially not “white”.)
Flirtschule? Datedoktor? Na, ich weiß nicht und sehe das ziemlich kritisch, erst Recht nach diesem empfehlenswerten Talk von Annika auf der #iger2023 u.a. über Incels, Pickup Artists und andere Arschlöcher.
#manosphere #antifeminismus #Kiel
#iger2023 #manosphere #antifeminismus #kiel
:boost_ok: Writing up a piece on the "masculinity identity crisis" and how it mischaracterize and mistakes the root of the issue, what should be addressed, and how to reach out to this contingent of "men" who fail left behind.
Looking for sources on how the US's economic policy has gone hand in hand with making incels, manosphere, and other "masculinity crisis" areas a thing. Austerity, recessions, and so fourth.
Basically, I'm approaching this from the position that bell hooks argues in "The Will to Change" that the patriarchy offers up sexual conquest as a substitute for the economic devastation capitalism inflicts on working class men.
#masculinity #sources #boost #writing #neoliberalism #manosphere
#masculinity #sources #boost #writing #neoliberalism #manosphere
As a man who struggled mightily to find dating when I was younger, I appreciated hearing this common sense dating advice from a man that doesn't resort to the shallow gimmicks of the manosphere.
#BeauOfTheFifthColumn, #dating, #Manosphere, #Men, #Redpill
#beauofthefifthcolumn #dating #manosphere #men #redpill
New in Studies in Conflict and Terrorism: "Exiting the #Manosphere. A Gendered Analysis of #Radicalization, Diversion and #Deradicalization Narratives from r/IncelExit and r/ExRedPill" by Joshua Thorburn https://t.ly/zwRXM
#manosphere #radicalization #deradicalization
#Loneliness and Our Craving for #Community
A lot of the global negativities ( #farright, #hategroups, #cults, #conspiracytheorybullshit, #manosphere, staying in toxic relationships, etc) that we're seeing would be eliminated or lessened if peoples' social needs were met
What do you think?
#loneliness #Community #humans #tribes #theschooloflife #farright #hategroups #cults #conspiracytheorybullshit #manosphere
An informative and entertaining comparison between the “Manosphere” and Ken’s character development in the recent “Barbie” movie. The sense of entitlement, gendered power struggles, grievances, etc.
“Ken’s rights? Our research shows Barbie is surprisingly accurate on how ‘men’s rights activists’ are radicalised.” Nicholas 2023. @TheConversationUK. https://theconversation.com/kens-rights-our-research-shows-barbie-is-surprisingly-accurate-on-how-mens-rights-activists-are-radicalised-210273
#BarbieMovie #Barbie #Manosphere #MensRights #Feminism #WomensRights #GenderEquality #InEnglish
#barbiemovie #barbie #manosphere #mensrights #feminism #womensrights #genderequality #inenglish
Dear #muslims
there are some off-the-wall #farright batshit grifters and #manosphere #misogynists using your religion for their own agenda
...just saying
#muslims #farright #manosphere #misogynists
The role of evidence-based misogyny in antifeminist online communities of the ‘manosphere’ - Ann-Kathrin Rothermel, 2023
#Misogyny #male supremacy #farright #discourse #incels #radicalization #antifeminist #men'srights #manosphere
#misogyny #male #farright #discourse #incels #radicalization #antifeminist #men #manosphere
My Birthday Livestream In Tanzania https://www.alojapan.com/817943/my-birthday-livestream-in-tanzania/
#africa #alphamale #antifeminism #austonholleman #blackpeople #blackwomen #Dar #DarEsSaleem #dating #DatingAdvice #Datingtips #digitalnomad #Expat #feminism #greenpill #Kobe #Kobedestinations #kobetour #Kobetravel #Kobetrip #Kobevacation #manosphere #masculinity #modernwomen #tanzania #travel #神戸
#africa #alphamale #antifeminism #austonholleman #blackpeople #blackwomen #dar #daressaleem #dating #datingadvice #datingtips #digitalnomad #expat #feminism #greenpill #kobe #kobedestinations #kobetour #kobetravel #kobetrip #kobevacation #manosphere #masculinity #modernwomen #tanzania #travel #神戸
Republicans Can't Stop Divorcing Long Enough To Make No Fault Divorce Illegal Again https://www.wonkette.com/republicans-can-t-stop-divorcing-long-enough-to-make-no-fault-divorce-illegal-again
#Lauren_boebert #Lauren_boebert_divorce #Manosphere #Marjorie_taylor_greene #Nofault_divorce #Steven_crowder #Divorce
#divorce #Steven_crowder #Nofault_divorce #marjorie_taylor_greene #manosphere #Lauren_boebert_divorce #lauren_boebert
It's troubling enough that nighttime spaces are not designed with women's safety in mind. Sexism in the nighttime economy only compounds the matter.
I talk with Karen Whybro about solutions to both in #24HourNation's latest #podcast episode.
Listen now to "The 'Mansophere' and Nightlife:" https://24hournation.com/podcast/manosphere-and-nighttlife/
#KarenWhybro #Manosphere #Misogyny #Nightlife #NighttimeEconomy #SafetyCharter #Sexism #SexualHarassment #ToxicMaleCulture #Women #WomensSafetyCharter
#womenssafetycharter #women #toxicmaleculture #Sexualharassment #sexism #safetycharter #nighttimeeconomy #nightlife #misogyny #manosphere #karenwhybro #Podcast #24hournation
What A Regular Day Looks Like In Dar Es Salaam , Tanzania, Africa https://www.alojapan.com/795744/what-a-regular-day-looks-like-in-dar-es-salaam-tanzania-africa/
What A Regular Day Looks Like In Dar Es Salaam , Tanzania, Africa.
#africa #alphamale #antifeminism #austonholleman #blackpeople #blackwomen #DarEsSaleem #dating #DatingAdvice #Datingtips #digitalnomad #Expat #feminism #greenpill #Kobe #Kobedestinations #kobetour #Kobetravel #Kobetrip #Kobevacation #manosphere #masculinity #modernwomen #tanzania #travel #神戸
#africa #alphamale #antifeminism #austonholleman #blackpeople #blackwomen #daressaleem #dating #datingadvice #datingtips #digitalnomad #expat #feminism #greenpill #kobe #kobedestinations #kobetour #kobetravel #kobetrip #kobevacation #manosphere #masculinity #modernwomen #tanzania #travel #神戸
This #manosphere #glossary documents the more common terms of art, neologisms, and memes used by men's rights activists, pick-up artists, Men Going Their Own Way, and other denizens of the manosphere.
#RationalWiki #mgtow
#manosphere #glossary #rationalwiki #mgtow
Magic Vacuum Vaginas: Right-Wing Grifters Repackage Incel 'Science' As Dating Advice https://www.wonkette.com/vacuum-vaginas-twitter
#Dating_advice #Misogynatomy #Misogyny #Romance #Sex #Twitter #Manosphere
#manosphere #Twitter #sex #romance #misogyny #Misogynatomy #Dating_advice
Special ep. 28 features #cartoonist Lily O'Farrell, who has 300K+ followers on her VulgaDrawings #instagram account. We talk about the UK artist's encounters with the incel community & love-hate relationship with #datingapps. Why did IG remove her response to "not all men"? How can we speak with boys who fall prey to the #manosphere? Lily talks gender differences in worst-date stories & the mass distribution of her #cartoons as educational materials. Check out why she keeps going viral! 🎨🖌️👩💻🤩
#cartoonist #instagram #datingapps #manosphere #cartoons
A lot of gems here: https://youtu.be/ZLNldliQD-8 #redpill #MGTOW #manosphere #BlackTwitter #BlackMastodon
#BlackMastodon #blacktwitter #manosphere #mgtow #redpill
The three women, whose allegations were revealed by VICE World News in January, hope their civil suit will pressure police to reopen a criminal investigation against him.
#AndrewTate #crowdfund #Romania #manosphere #worldjustice #worldnews
#andrewtate #crowdfund #romania #manosphere #worldjustice #worldnews
#Woman #SocialMedia #Podcasting #Tiktok #ToxicMasculinity #Manosphere #Misogyny #men #Sexism #InEquality #GenderEquality #Girls #GirlChild #Insulting #BlackMen #BritishMen #Influencer #SocialMediaInfluencers #blackmastodon #Africa #Africamen
#woman #socialmedia #podcasting #TikTok #toxicmasculinity #manosphere #misogyny #men #sexism #inequality #genderequality #girls #girlchild #insulting #blackmen #britishmen #influencer #socialmediainfluencers #blackmastodon #Africa #africamen