RT @spdbt@twitter.com
Das sind drei der unzähligen Namen von inhaftierten Iraner:innen, denen aktuell die Hinrichtung droht. @CarmenWegge@twitter.com, @SebRoloff@twitter.com und @arlt_johannes@twitter.com haben für sie politische Patenschaften übernommen. #StopExecutionInIran
#armitaabbasi #manouchehrmehmannavaz #arshiatakdastan #stopExecutionInIran
RT @SebRoloff@twitter.com
.@IraninBerlin@twitter.com Your Excellency, I‘ve been contacting you several times about the life and state of #ManouchehrMehmanNavaz . Mostly via letter/email. Would you be so kind to answer my request? And most importantly give him a fair trail and release him from the death row!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SebRoloff/status/1607100482106920963
#IranRevolution #IranRevoIution2022
RT @SebRoloff@twitter.com
.@IraninBerlin@twitter.com Your Excellency, I‘ve been contacting you several times about the life and state of #ManouchehrMehmanNavaz . Mostly via letter/email. Would you be so kind to answer my request? And most importantly give him a fair trail and release him from the death row!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SebRoloff/status/1607100482106920963
#manouchehrmehmannavaz #iranrevoiution2022 #iranrevolution
RT @NazaninBoniadi@twitter.com
Save #ManouchehrMehmanNavaz.
#StopExecutionsInIran https://twitter.com/javanmardi75/status/1608451653249937412
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/NazaninBoniadi/status/1608714181158801408
#manouchehrmehmannavaz #stopexecutionsiniran
RT @SGhasseminejad@twitter.com
At least 39 Iranian protesters face the risk of execution and death sentence, while the regime has already killed at least 500 and arrested more than 18000 protesters.
EU should recall its ambassadors from Tehran and expel the regime's ambassadors.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SGhasseminejad/status/1604505357480431616
RT @AmnestyUK@twitter.com
These people have been sentenced to death & are at imminent risk: #SahandNourmohammadZadeh, #MahanSadratMadani #ManouchehrMehmanNavaz, #MohammadBoroughani #MohammadGhobadlou, #SamanSeydiYasin #HamidGhareHasanlou, #MohammadMehdiKarami, #SayedMohammadHosseini, #HosseinMohammadi
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AmnestyUK/status/1604823875023429634
#sahandnourmohammadzadeh #mahansadratmadani #manouchehrmehmannavaz #mohammadboroughani #mohammadghobadlou #samanseydiyasin #hamidgharehasanlou #mohammadmehdikarami #sayedmohammadhosseini #hosseinmohammadi
#SamanSeydi (Yasin)
These are the names of protesters facing execution. Please hashtag any others in comments, boost, and post.
#sahandnourmohammadzadeh #hamidgharehasanlou #farzanehgharehasanlou #manouchehrmehmannavaz #parhamparvari #mahansedaratmadani #mohsenrezazadehgharagholou #abolfazlmehrihosseinhajilou #mohammadboroughani #saeedshirazi #samanseydi #mohammadghobadlou #stopexecutionsiniran
RT @SebRoloff@twitter.com
Ein Revolutionsgericht in #Teheran hat #ManouchehrMehmanNavaz zum Tode verurteilt. Ich habe die politische Patenschaft von Manoucher Mehman Navaz übernommen. Er war zuletzt in Protesten gegen den islamischen Staat und soll angeblich „ein Staatsgebäude in Brand gesteckt“ haben.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SebRoloff/status/1602916555947393031
#teheran #manouchehrmehmannavaz
RT @SebRoloff
Ein Revolutionsgericht in #Teheran hat #ManouchehrMehmanNavaz zum Tode verurteilt. Ich habe die politische Patenschaft von Manoucher Mehman Navaz übernommen. Er war zuletzt in Protesten gegen den islamischen Staat und soll angeblich „ein Staatsgebäude in Brand gesteckt“ haben.
#teheran #manouchehrmehmannavaz
Amnesty Iran - @AmnestyIran
A Revolutionary Court in Tehran sentenced #ManouchehrMehmanNavaz to death for allegedly setting fire to a state building during protests “with intent to confront the Islamic state”. The court ruled this amounted to “enmity against God” after a sham trial designed for repression.
RT @AmnestyDdorf@twitter.com
9 Menschen in Schauprozess im #Iran zum Tode verurteilt weil sie ihr #RechtAufProtest ausübten:
#SamanSeydi #SaeidShirazi #MohammadGhobadlou #MohammadBeroghani #AbbasDaris #MohsenRezazadeh #ManouchehrMehmannavaz
#StopExecutionsInIran #اعدام_نکنید
#مهسا_امینی https://twitter.com/SepidehMoafi/status/1587832334899978243
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AmnestyDdorf/status/1588188572452290563
#مهسا_امینی #iranrevolution #اعدام_نکنید #StopExecutionsInIran #manouchehrmehmannavaz #mohsenrezazadeh #AbbasDaris #mohammadberoghani #mohammadghobadlou #saeidshirazi #samanseydi #rechtaufprotest #iran
#IranProtests2022 #IranianProtests2022 #IranRevolution2022 #IranRevolution2022
RT @AmnestyDdorf@twitter.com
9 Menschen in Schauprozess im #Iran zum Tode verurteilt weil sie ihr #RechtAufProtest ausübten:
#SamanSeydi #SaeidShirazi #MohammadGhobadlou #MohammadBeroghani #AbbasDaris #MohsenRezazadeh #ManouchehrMehmannavaz
#StopExecutionsInIran #اعدام_نکنید
#مهسا_امینی https://twitter.com/SepidehMoafi/status/1587832334899978243
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AmnestyDdorf/status/1588188572452290563
#مهسا_امینی #iranrevolution #اعدام_نکنید #StopExecutionsInIran #manouchehrmehmannavaz #mohsenrezazadeh #AbbasDaris #mohammadberoghani #mohammadghobadlou #saeidshirazi #samanseydi #rechtaufprotest #iran #iranrevolution2022 #iranianprotests2022 #IranProtests2022