#DoraMaar by #ManRay, 1936 : OldSchoolCelebs
#doramaar #manray #photography #french
The Tyee: The Existential Journey of Fine Particulate https://thetyee.ca/Culture/2023/06/28/Existential-Journey-Fine-Particulate/ #bcnews #TheTyee - via @tyee@mstdn.ca #NewYorkCity’sJohnF.KennedyInternationalAirport #HermanKolgen’HermanKolgenDustSurface #NoLongerAdriftexhibit #DenisBeauboisartist #MichaelSaupDustVR #NewMediaGallery #Dustartexhibit #MarcelDuchamp #ManRay
#BCNews #TheTyee #newyorkcity #hermankolgen #nolongeradriftexhibit #denisbeauboisartist #michaelsaupdustvr #newmediagallery #dustartexhibit #marcelduchamp #manray
#manray #nazis #photography #leemiller
We Had Faces Then — #LeeMiller, #1931, photo by #ManRay
#leemiller #manray #photography
#ManRay, #LeeMiller, and Muses throughout time... - Rizzoli #NewYork
#manray #leemiller #newyork #photography
#LeeMiller. Model, apprentice of surrealist #ManRay, Fine Art and war ...
#leemiller #manray #photography
#LeeMiller. #ManRay #1929. | Man ray, Fashion art photography, #Leemiller
#leemiller #manray #photography
#LeeMiller, Photo by #ManRay, #1929-1932 Centre Pompidou | Man ray ...
#leemiller #manray #photography
El violín de Ingres - Man Ray - Fotos que me fascinan Vol V
Man Ray
Solarization of Vicomtesse de Noailles, Harper's Bazaar, 1937
#surrealism #vintagefashion #Photography #manray
Man Ray
One of the many features from his considerable body of work for Harper's Bazaar from 1934-1942.
#surrealism #vintagefashion #vintagephotography #manray
Man Ray
One of the many features from his considerable body of work for Harper's Bazaar from 1934-1942.
#surrealism #vintagefashion #vintagephotography #manray
Stockings, style, surrealism! How Man Ray changed the fashion industry
(Morwenna Ferrier / The Guardian)
Although his heart was never in it, the American artist was a prolific – and highly experimental – fashion photographer. A new exhibition explores the surrealist’s side hustle
#vintagefashion #surrealism #manray
“Technology is anything that wasn't around when you were born.”
― Man Ray https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Man_Ray
#bot #quote #technology #manray
Man Ray: Object To Be Destroyed, 1932. More informations: Dreher, Thomas: Conceptual Art and Software Art, chapter I.1. Internet: http://iasl.uni-muenchen.de/links/NAKSe.html #manray #dada #dadaism #dadaismus #dadaart #dadaartwork #conceptualart #conceptart #conceptartwork #conceptualartwork #actionsculpture #aktionsskulptur #actionart #notation #notationart #notationartwork #thomasdreher
#thomasdreher #notationartwork #notationart #notation #ActionArt #aktionsskulptur #actionsculpture #conceptualartwork #conceptartwork #conceptart #conceptualart #dadaartwork #dadaart #dadaismus #dadaism #dada #manray
Man Ray took this photo of Notre Dame Cathedral in 1931, seemingly from Parvis Notre-Dame, now also known as Place Jean-Paul II, on the Île de la Cité.
#ManRay #NotreDameCathedral #Paris #Île de la Cité
#ile #Paris #notredamecathedral #manray
Emak-Bakia (Man Ray, 1926) #EmakBakia #ManRay #SilentFlickerSunday #silentfilm
#emakbakia #silentfilm #silentflickersunday #manray
Gertrude Stein's Tender Buttons [in toots] : Objects :
A charm a single charm is doubtful. If the red is rose and there is a gate surrounding it, if inside is let in and there places change then certainly something is upright. It is earnest.
#bot #literature #poetry #ProsePoetry #PublicDomain #GertrudeStein #AliceToklas #ManRay #artist #writers #inspiration
Photo attached: Alice B. Toklas and Gertrude Stein seated at home on the Rue de Fleurus, Paris, by Man Ray in 1922
#bot #literature #poetry #prosepoetry #publicdomain #gertrudestein #alicetoklas #manray #artist #writers #inspiration