Groups Demand US Push UAE to Free Ahmed Mansoor, Other Rights Activists Before COP28
A coalition of 19 advocacy groups on Wednesday demanded U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken pressure the United Arab Emirates to "immediately and unconditionally release" Ahmed Mansoor and other imprisoned human rights advocates before COP28, the UAE-hosted United Nations climate summit, kicks off in Dubai this November.
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[App. running time: 21 hrs. 3 min(s).]
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(Starting with #UpUpDownDown)
#UpUpDownDown - #Otis vs #TheUsos vs #Ricochet vs #månsôör vs #maçé vs #CedricAlexander vs #SheltonBenjamin vs #AustinCreed -- #Tekken 7:
(1 of 5)
#tekken #austincreed #sheltonbenjamin #cedricalexander #mace #mansoor #ricochet #theusos #otis #upupdowndown
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[App. running time: 11 hrs. 30 min(s).]
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(Starting with #UpUpDownDown)
#UpUpDownDown - #HellishQuart featuring #Mace vs. #Ricochet vs. #Mansoor vs. #AustinCreed vs. #AshanteAdonis:
(1 of 5)
#ashanteadonis #austincreed #mansoor #ricochet #mace #HellishQuart #upupdowndown
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[App. running time: 15 hrs. 45 min(s).]
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(Starting with #UpUpDownDown)
#UpUpDownDown - #LeftRIghtLeftRight Title #1 Contender Tournament - #Mansoor vs #AshanteAdonis vs #TopDolla vs #Ricochet:
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#ricochet #topdolla #ashanteadonis #mansoor #leftrightleftright #upupdowndown
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[App. running time: 14 hrs. 54 min(s).]
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(Starting with #UpUpDownDown)
#UpUpDownDown - #Tekken 7 (modded gameplay) - #JimmyUso, #Mansoor, #KofiKingston & #AustinCreed faceoff as THEMSELVES:
(1 of 5)
#austincreed #kofikingston #mansoor #jimmyuso #tekken #upupdowndown
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[App. running time: 11 hrs. 42 min(s).]
Podcasts/videos below
(Starting with #UpUpDownDown)
#UpUpDownDown - #TheUsos, #Mansoor & #Ricochet become PLAYABLE in #Tekken 7!!! (modded gameplay):
#MiaYim Gaming - BRE #Warhammer40k AGAIN!//#BREStart:
(1 of 4)
#warhammer40k #miayim #tekken #ricochet #mansoor #theusos #upupdowndown