#Earthquake (#sismo) M4.6 strikes 64 km NE of #Manta (#Ecuador) 23 min ago. More info: http://m.emsc.eu/?id=1546908
#earthquake #sismo #manta #ecuador
Not only was #Manta v1 awesome for having jobs, the marlin image provides a superb environment for testing the new #pkgin code, given there are over 12,500 packages installed.
I'd say the results are looking pretty good:
$ time ./pkgin-22.10.0 -n ug
real 54m10.021s
user 53m42.252s
sys 0m21.575s
$ time ./pkgin-current -n ug
real 0m1.241s
user 0m1.086s
sys 0m0.145s
Under 1 second would be cool, and I think there are still some areas where improvements can be made.
In the past 50 or so years manners have gone right out the window. It is quite important to ensure that manners are not a choice for filthy skunks, but a undeniable fact. Restricting such awful untamed pleasures really does create such a good, mindless, shiny, mascot butler!
Art and description by https://twitter.com/Acrasials_Art (Too good not to use!)
Original: https://twitter.com/Acrasials_Art/status/1619756986450726912
#Ron #skunk #lion #rubber #mascot #suit #butler #hypnosis #manta
#ron #skunk #lion #rubber #mascot #suit #butler #hypnosis #manta
Have you ever wanted to run a tool that you know is somewhere in the universe of @galaxyproject but couldn't figure out which Galaxy you might find it in? We've got you covered!
@hexylena saw @scottcain's issue of not being able to find #Manta and implemented pan-galactic tool search in the Galaxy Training Network 🤩
Want to know how it works? Check out the news post 💫 https://training.galaxyproject.org/training-material/news/2023/06/07/pan-galactic-search.html
Try it out now! 🔭 https://training.galaxyproject.org/training-material/search-tools.html
Arg! Please don't use common words to name your software projects! First (and a long time ago) you have the fine folks @galaxyproject using that word, then you have the SV caller #Manta, making it impossible to answer with a simple google whether manta is available at a public Galaxy hub.
#Earthquake (#sismo) M3.6 strikes 77 km SW of #Manta (#Ecuador) 32 min ago. More info: https://www.emsc-csem.org/Earthquake/earthquake.php?id=1269032
#earthquake #sismo #manta #ecuador
#Earthquake (#sismo) M3.9 strikes 45 km SE of #Manta (#Ecuador) 9 min ago. More info: https://www.emsc-csem.org/Earthquake/earthquake.php?id=1266554
#earthquake #sismo #manta #ecuador
RT @BermeoTunaForum: Las ciudades del #atun en el banco de Bermeo Tuna Forum situado frente al #mar que une a todas las capitales
#Bermeo #Manta #Victoria #PagoPago #Concarneau #Majuro #GeneralSantos
#BTF23 #sostenibilidad #ods14 #alianzas #CiudadesDelAtún #atun #tuna https://t.co/g6dqHBySpy
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/IzaskunBilbaoB/status/1653790274915643393
#atun #mar #Bermeo #manta #Victoria #PagoPago #Concarneau #Majuro #GeneralSantos #BTF23 #sostenibilidad #ODS14 #alianzas #CiudadesDelAtún #tuna
#Kauppatori n myyjät lienevät tänään tyytyväisiä; päivänä, jolloin #HavisAmanda siirrettiin, ja #VolodymyrZelenskyi vieraili pressanlinnassa.
Kaissiellä joku yhdistys tmv. tutkii sen, paljonko #myynti oli normiarkipäivää isompi?
#Manta #Zelenskyi #Helsinki #Stadi #tori #torikauppiaat #pienyrittäjät
#kauppatori #havisamanda #volodymyrzelenskyi #myynti #manta #zelenskyi #helsinki #stadi #tori #torikauppiaat #pienyrittajat
Tule pian takaisin. Helsinki ei ole sama ilman sinua. #manta https://www.hs.fi/kaupunki/art-2000009556132.html
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/kirsipiha/status/1653626370310668292
RT @BermeoTunaForum: 'Ciudades del Atún'
#JavierCortés #Bermeo #Manta #Victoria #PagoPago
#BTF23 #DíaInternacionalDelAtún #sostenibilidad #ods14 #alianzas #CiudadesDelAtún #pescasostenible #sustainability #atún #tuna #PalacioEuskaldunaJauregia https://t.co/qkcT2JTCqf
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/IzaskunBilbaoB/status/1653435733737185282
#JavierCortés #Bermeo #manta #Victoria #PagoPago #BTF23 #DíaInternacionalDelAtún #sostenibilidad #ODS14 #alianzas #CiudadesDelAtún #PescaSostenible #sustainability #atún #tuna #PalacioEuskaldunaJauregia
Manta unveils vulnerability on "Poly" #2023_04_22 #earmilk #malvika_padin #pop #manta #poly #single
>> https://earmilk.com/2023/04/22/manta-unveils-vulnerability-on-poly/
#2023_04_22 #earmilk #malvika_padin #pop #manta #poly #single
Das nenne ich mal echte Initiative! Statt nur zu labern, so wie es die #Politiker tun, hat sich hier jemand echte Gedanken gemacht und dann auch umgesetzt. Top! 👍🙏
Riesen-Schiff #Manta soll #Meere von #Plastikmüll befreien
#umweltschutz #plastikmull #meere #manta #politiker
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio1's #BBCIntroducingOnRadio1
🎵 Poly
#nowplaying #bbcintroducingonradio1 #bbcr1 #manta
近距離觀察沖繩美麗海水族館巨大魟魚 #沖繩 #蝠鱝 #水族館 https://www.alojapan.com/780320/%e8%bf%91%e8%b7%9d%e9%9b%a2%e8%a7%80%e5%af%9f%e6%b2%96%e7%b9%a9%e7%be%8e%e9%ba%97%e6%b5%b7%e6%b0%b4%e6%97%8f%e9%a4%a8%e5%b7%a8%e5%a4%a7%e9%ad%9f%e9%ad%9a-%e6%b2%96%e7%b9%a9-%e8%9d%a0%e9%b1%9d/
近距離觀察沖繩美麗海水族館巨大魟魚 #沖繩 #蝠鱝 #水族館
#aquarium #Manta #Okinawa #Okinawadestinations #Okinawatour #okinawatravel #Okinawatrip #Okinawavacation #travel #沖縄
#沖繩 #蝠鱝 #水族館 #aquarium #manta #okinawa #okinawadestinations #okinawatour #okinawatravel #okinawatrip #okinawavacation #travel #沖縄
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio1's #Radio1sFuturePop
🎵 Poly
#nowplaying #radio1sfuturepop #bbcr1 #manta