Day 39
Today I read Semantic Error episode 68 on Manta Comics.
I like that the story is finally getting into character backgrounds, though I'm not sure how I feel about the fact that it's taken this many episodes to reveal that Jaeyoung has a twin brother. I feel like that's something that should have come up before now. I'm trying to keep up with reading, but the new job is keeping me busy, so I'm behind on quite a few of the series I follow. #webtoon #MantaComics
Day 36
Today I read episodes 1-25 of Adeline's Darkest Night on Manta Comics.
I wasn't sure I would enjoy this series. The setup could have been one of those tropey romcoms that are fun at first, usually because they get spicy quickly, but become a slog as they progress and run out of interesting material. This series is moving in a slow burn direction and is focused on its main character's development rather than being preoccupied with pushing the romance upfront. #webtoon #MantaComics
Day 30
Today I read the first 17 episodes of A World Ruled By Cats on Manta Comics.
I want to like this series, but it kind of creeps me out. I don't think it's the catboy romance angle, but I am definitely not into the master/servant fetish trope. I guess I can just feel the set up to the mean catboy master as love interest overshadowing anything interesting it might have to say about human relationships and the nature of society. #webtoon #MantaComics
The scene where the two Sky Priestesses discuss the plan to commit cult suicide and take the children with them rather than be taken as slaves would have been far more compelling a reveal had it been merely hinted at here and shown in practice later. It's spelled out too straightforward. The writing is usually better than this.
Also, olive oil is not especially flammable and Reniae should know better...
#webtoon #thegoldenforest #mantacomics
2023 Manta calendar just for you 🥰
This year, we featured 12 different series for 12 months! 😚
📆 Click the link in the thread to download the calendar 👇💜
#mantacomics #2023calendar #digitalmerch
#digitalmerch #2023calendar #mantacomics
Faust never really stuck the landing with its character arcs and the paint-by-numbers "choose your own fate" ending felt somewhat tacked on, but it was certaintly artistically interesting all the way through. #MantaComics #webtoon
I didn't know I See You was ending this week. What a beautiful comic. I'll miss it. Definitely a top 5 Manta title, absolutely worth the read. I wish they had a way to look up series by author because I'd love to read more of their work. #mantacomics #webtoon