A radiant palimpsest - ‘Madonna and child with choir of cherubim’ by Andrea Mantegna (c.1485). In the 19th century this work was attributed to Giovanni Bellini and the painting appeared very different. When it was restored in 1885, a Mantegna was discovered under the presumed Bellini. #Mantegna #Brera #Milan
Today's pick: The Agony in the Garden (c. 1455) - Andrea Mantegna. #art #Mantegna #AgonyInTheGarden
#agonyinthegarden #mantegna #art
Today's pick: Presentation at the Temple (c. 1455) - Andrea Mantegna. #art #Mantegna #PresentationInTheTemple
#presentationinthetemple #mantegna #art
Today's pick: The Lamentation (c. 1475) - Andrea Mantegna. #art #Mantegna #Lamentation
'Agite pellite sedibus nostris foeda haec viciorum mostra virtutum coelitus adnos redeuntium divae comites'
(Come, divine companions of the Virtues who are returning to us from Heaven, expel these foul monsters of Vices from our seats)
Today's pick: Adoration of the Shepherds (c. 1451-53) - Andrea Mantegna. #art #Mantegna #AdorationOfTheShepherds
#adorationoftheshepherds #mantegna #art
RT @artistmantegna
The victory of virtue, 1502 #mantegna #andreamantegna https://www.wikiart.org/en/andrea-mantegna/the-victory-of-virtue
RT @artistmantegna: Death of the Virgin, 1461 #andreamantegna #mantegna
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Baroness_Nichol/status/1524529306520674306