Another MANTI release (v5.4) fixes some very serious bugs in the MaxQuant analysis pipeline while improving further the DiaNN/MSFragger workflows. You can get the new version on - features additionally improved intensity reporting in the MANTI summary file. #MANTIv5.4 #ONTHEROADTOMANTIv6
Future development is now in direction of fully integration of DiaNN/MSFragger for visualization and full capabilities as for MaxQuant. Maybe DDA-derived support maybe also on the way to support more MSFragger search flavors. #MANTIv5.3 #ONTHEROADTOMANTIv6
Another work in progress release of MANTI is out now! MANTI v5.3 ( enables you to analyze DiaNN/MSFragger-generated N-terminomics with the one-stop-shop approach of MANTI! To honor this, MANTI stands now for Mastering Advanced N-Termini Interpretation. It works for simplex data (only dimethyl-labelling currently) with the DIA_SpecLib_Quant workflow in MSFragger - currently, only DIA is supported for MSFragger, but more might be on the way. #MANTIv5.3 #Ntermini #proteomics
#mantiv5 #ntermini #proteomics