Toba Adina-Jao shares the story of her family's flight from Afghanistan and what it was like to grow up as a refugee in Alameda. Adina-Jao explains her children's book, "'Me, Mommy, Mantu' celebrates Afghans all around the world. Get to know us, celebrate with us, sit down and enjoy an Afghan dish with us."
#Books #Mantu #Afghan #Kidlit #Alameda #Culture #Refugees #Afghanistan #Children'sBook
#books #mantu #afghan #kidlit #alameda #culture #refugees #afghanistan #children
Zum Abschluss gab es noch Heimatküche aus dem #MainKinzigKreis: Mantu. Dazu Kichererbsensoße und Falafel. Sehr lecker.
Das Kochbuch "Multikulinarisch - So isst der Main-Kinzig-Kreis" kann ich sehr empfehlen. Da sind tolle Rezepte drin.
#papakocht #falafel #kichererbsen #mantu #multikulinarisch #MainKinzigKreis