Seems the #brother FTP server is dead... which took a LOT of old manuals with it. Not sure HOW long it's been gone, but it's certainly not on
Does anyone have archives or manual downloads from there?
Looking fruitlessly for this one in particular.
#ftp #printer #archiveorg #preservation #archive #archival #help #mastodon #datahoarder #datahoarding #manual #manuals
#brother #ftp #printer #archiveorg #preservation #archive #archival #help #mastodon #datahoarder #datahoarding #manual #manuals
Dejo algunos recursos para aprender manejo de celulares en español dirigidos a adultos mayores que encontré hoy buscando en internet:
> Video: Introducción al uso del celular para adultos mayores - Universidad Nacional Arturo Jauretche
> Videos: Taller de Manejo de celulares para adultos mayores - Marcos Gabriel Bolda - Cooperativa Obrera Limitada de Consumo y Vivienda
> Para imprimir: Manual básico para uso del móvil - Municipalidad Alcobendas, España
> Curso presencial gratuito: Uso de celular para adultos mayores - UTN (Medrano 951 y Córdoba, CABA, Argentina)
#AdultosMayores #AdultoMayor #accesibilidad #educación #aprendizaje #tecnología #MaterialPedagógico #UniversidadNacionalArturoJauretche #CooperativaObrera #Argentina #España #BuenosAires #Alcobendas #manual #smartphones #smartphone #aplicaciones #Android #UI #UX #español #inclusión #UNAJ #TerceraEdad #AlfabetizaciónDigital
#alfabetizaciondigital #terceraedad #unaj #inclusion #espanol #ux #ui #android #aplicaciones #smartphone #smartphones #manual #alcobendas #buenosaires #espana #argentina #cooperativaobrera #universidadnacionalarturojauretche #materialpedagogico #tecnologia #aprendizaje #educacion #accesibilidad #adultomayor #adultosmayores
Mein Morgen beginnt direkt mit Troubleshooting mit dem #Nitrokey Pro2 und der Idee, den Stick auf Werkseinstellung zurückzusetzen. Das #rtfm #Manual bei denen liest sich soooo einfach und dennoch sagt mein Stick: no way bitch!.
... und wo ich gerade dabei bin versuche ich nach apt get update 4 Programme zu aktualieren, die zurückgehalten werden und ich finde da noch keinen Weg das zu machen.
Ein normaler Mittwoch
[🇮🇹it] è un manuale di disassemblaggio di Big Tech che spiega come disintossicare il web e riportare in vita il vecchio buon internet
[🇬🇧en] it's a Big Tech disassembly manual that explains how to disenshittify the web and bring back the old good internet
#disenshittify by @pluralistic
🐱🔗 #catlink
#web #manual #disenshittify #catlink
An inquiry into an #engineer's death in a workplace accident reveals worrying aspects, including the #employer not providing a #manual for the equipment in question
#healthandsafety #manual #employer #engineer
I feel your pain.
A terrific crowd-sourced, federated solution to the problem would be for every Mastodon user to commit to scanning in some old manual they have lying around to PDF and posting it with a specific hashtag like #manual. Just one apiece and we'd have lots of them.
Oh, wait, that's right. You can't post a PDF on Mastodon. Sorry, never mind.
NABU: O que de novo tem sido feito para ele?
#MundoRetro #AdaptadorDeRede #Canad #CartoSD #diagnstico #GitHub #Jogos #MAME #manual #monitoramento #MSX #museu #MuseuDaComputao #NABU #openMSX #port #Software #UniversidadeDeYork #YUNN
#yunn #universidadedeyork #software #port #openmsx #nabu #museudacomputao #museu #msx #monitoramento #manual #mame #jogos #github #diagnstico #cartosd #canad #adaptadorderede #mundoretro
@alexis This is a mood.
Image source (artist unknown):
#TwilightSparkle #POSIX #shell #Linux #Android #command #terminal #manual
#twilightsparkle #posix #shell #linux #android #command #terminal #manual
Living in #Hungary is not good for #mentalhealth. Even as a generic citizen, it's #toxic #vibe.
Leaving would definitely be #selfcare.
#Volunteer & #work experience, #office, #retail & #manual.
I speak #English, & forgot #French & #Danish.
Thanks to #fintech, #bankaccount in:
#Ireland #Spain #France #Belgium #Netherlands #Luxembourg #Germany #Switzerland #Poland #Lithuania #Estonia #Romania #Bulgaria #Malta
#Czechia sorta.
#Sweden only.
Prefer staying in #Schengen.
#hungary #mentalhealth #toxic #vibe #selfcare #volunteer #work #office #retail #manual #english #French #danish #fintech #bankaccount #ireland #spain #france #belgium #Netherlands #luxembourg #germany #switzerland #poland #lithuania #estonia #romania #bulgaria #Malta #Czechia #sweden #UK #brexit #Schengen
England’s first swimming manual, written in 1587, also showed how to cut off your limbs to aid buoyancy.
#swimming #swim #manual #instructions #history #historicdocuments #QI #notQI
#swimming #swim #manual #instructions #history #historicdocuments #qi #notqi
📗 Consigue el #manual de #alimentación para personas con #CancerDeRiñón y familiares tocando este enlace:
#manual #alimentacion #cancerderinon
eu auf KI oder warum der Kommunismus jetzt doch kommt #KI #AI #chatGPT #kommunismus #PGP #manual
#manual #pgp #kommunismus #chatgpt #ai #ki
Queres coñecer vocabulario galego específico no ámbito xurídico? #ámbitoXudicial, #Dereito, #DereitoProcesual, #Galego, #Manual, #USC
#ambitoxudicial #dereito #dereitoprocesual #galego #manual #usc
English #prison guard guilty of possessing white #supremacist terror #manual