Calling all Manuel's Movie Club Members. This month's movie is In The Heat Of The Night (1967) with Sidney Poitier and Rod Steiger. It airs Feb 18 at 7pm (Central US) on TCM.
I want to tell you how MUCH this movie club means to Manuel. After 30 years on Angola's death row, it gives him AGENCY, something so critical to self-worth and something so lacking for most inmates.
To join the club, just watch the movie and then reply to this post with your thoughts or reactions.
#deathrow #ManuelOrtiz
"Remember the Night" on Turner Classic Movies on Dec 23 at 7pm (CST) is the movie for Manuel's Movie Club.
Each month, Manuel Ortiz chooses a movie that we watch at the same time. We then share our thoughts and reactions when we visit or via email. Manuel's been on death row for almost 30 years and he's a classic movie buff.
If you'd like to join us, watch tomorrow night and comment with your feedback. We'll share it with him.
#classicmovies #film #TCM #manuelortiz #incarceration