What is

The para-military (or above-military) tend to work in secret, and perform attacks.

People in the para-military are likely to appear more "" than the or .

False flag are not fake, they are often very real. They can be used to the , squash , and towards preordained .

@ililiiiililiilillil @crunklord420

#paramilitary #falseflag #wellFed #averagePerson #dissident #attacks #distract #generalPopulation #popularMovements #manufactureConsent #solutions

Last updated 5 years ago

Another great resource that covers the subtle that have been employed over the past century to and is the four part produced before 2001 by the called, The Century of The Self.

We've never looked at a screen the same way since.

#psychologicalTricks #indoctrinate #manufactureConsent #documentary #bbc

Last updated 5 years ago


Thanks for the tipoff.

appear to aggressively recruit , people onto services they host, who can fall prey to efforts. This method of finding a is even more efficient than those of and other syndicates like the in the past century, due to the of the internet, the have a blank page on which to .

They mix with to start the process.


#Cloucflare #young #malliable #radicalisation #patsy #mafia #organisedCrime #cia #anonymity #blackHats #manufactureConsent #humour #disinfo #radicalising

Last updated 5 years ago