Happy Sunday morning everyone.
Top news story in our delightful local newspaper this morning is that #Nagano City broke a 38 year old #heatwave length record. It’s been over 30℃ for 42 days in a row.
On par with #Japan’s overall utter dearth of #climate reporting, there is nary a mention of the #ClimateEmegency, nor of #globalheating, and the image is a wholesome one of kids playing in a fountain.
#propaganda #climatechange #globalwarming #willfulignorance #manufacturedconsent
#nagano #heatwave #japan #climate #ClimateEmegency #globalheating #propaganda #climatechange #globalwarming #WillfulIgnorance #manufacturedconsent
What a terrific book…
The Big Myth - How American Business Taught Us To Loathe Government And Love The Free Market by Naomi Oreskes & Erik M. Conway
Everyone should read this.
#propaganda #Economy #ideology #manufacturedconsent #oligarchs #oligarchy #medialiteracy #manipulation #media
#propaganda #Economy #ideology #manufacturedconsent #oligarchs #oligarchy #medialiteracy #manipulation #Media
Noam Chomsky - Manufacturing Consent
In his own words. Again, recommended!
#Media #ManufacturedConsent #Propaganda #AmericanEmpire #Capitalism #NoamChomsky
#media #manufacturedconsent #propaganda #americanempire #capitalism #noamchomsky
Noam Chomsky - The 5 Filters of the Mass Media Machine - YouTube
Very well explained - recommended! All in less than 5mins.
#Media #ManufacturedConsent #Propaganda #AmericanEmpire #Capitalism #NoamChomsky
#media #manufacturedconsent #propaganda #americanempire #capitalism #noamchomsky
Audio Stream: "You Have To Be Trusted By The People That You Lie To by Going Rogue With Caitlin Johnstone."
#CaitlinJohnstone #GoingRogue #Podcast
#GovernmentPropaganda #USPropaganda
#ManufacturedConsent #MSMPropaganda
#GovernmentLies #GovernmentFalsehoods
#AmericanEmpire #AmericanImperialism
#AmericanHegemony #USHegemony #US
#USMilitarism #USBelligerence #USWars
#USWarDrums #USAggression #USWarHawks
#uswarhawks #usaggression #uswardrums #uswars #usbelligerence #usmilitarism #US #ushegemony #americanhegemony #americanimperialism #americanempire #governmentfalsehoods #governmentlies #MSMPropaganda #manufacturedconsent #uspropaganda #governmentpropaganda #Podcast #goingrogue #caitlinjohnstone
Must've been tough selling those.
Yeah, it's become so much more exclusive as the ad revenue has been taken by big tech, and all the buyouts and mergers by corporate interests. Fewer jobs, and of course all the #ManufacturedConsent requires getting rid of the working class
Folks didn't need J-school back in the day, they just had to be able to read and write and tell a story and get to the bottom of things
Still, always hacks and yellow journalism everywhere, everywhen. But so much more good quality, honest, investigative stuff before the 80s
@glennf Because they're ruling class apologists? It's why they were hired in the first place? #ManufacturedConsent
The ruling #ideas of each age have ever been the ideas of its #RulingClass
Being a fan of a #billionaire
#ideas #rulingclass #billionaire #media #mediaconcentration #propaganda #manufacturedconsent
RT @RedwoodGirl@twitter.com
CNN and MSNBC are both showing the empty podium at Biden's Pennsylvania rally. I'm seeing shades of how they propped up Trump in 2016. They won't even show Bernie's or Warren's or Harris's live rallies but they'll show Biden's empty podium. Yuck. #ManufacturedConsent
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/RedwoodGirl/status/1129802641503019008