I've just released some freckles for #Manuka!
Like usual, the package contains 9 variations: 3 different types with 3 color variations each!
You can grab them over on my Booth page (300JPY):
Planted four varieties of #beans today. I’m using the garden fence by the dogwoods for supports for the climbers (two green and one dry). And these pictured are bush dry beans, in a new #NoDig zone. There’s newspaper on the grass, with at least 6” of half rotted straw-y compost on that, and I’ve planted the soaked beans in little hills of potting soil. Tomorrow I’ll work out a sprinkler for down there. I don’t think the fence beans will necessarily need irrigation, but these terrace beans sure will, at least at first.
In other corners: Almost all of the potatoes have sprouted! And the little corn plants look good.
The snapdragons (I think; I forget the names of flowers pretty easily) and pansies are overwinters! We’re in 8b west coast, but the sheltered spots closest to the house are closer to a 10, and these lovelies all stayed green all winter.
Has anyone grown #manuka from seed, or even grown other bushes from seed? I started this tray of manuka seeds in March, and I think at this point I’ve got all the germination I’m going to get. When should I prick these babies out? Can I transplant them straight to some larger 6” or 8” pots for easier moisture control, or do they need to be babied on in 4” pots?
#Gardening @gardening
#beans #nodig #manuka #gardening
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #PacificNotions
🎵 Mydriasis
#nowplaying #PacificNotions #manuka
"Und? Was haben Sie sonst genutzt? Etwas zur Desinfektion?"
"Ja, #Manuka-Honig."
Sie: "Naja, ich meinte nichts aus der #Naturheilkunde. Der hat ja keine medizinische oder eine desinfizierende Wirkung."
Medizin in #Deutschland.
Am 23.03.2023.
#KlinikumOldenburg #manuka #naturheilkunde #deutschland
#Miel de #manuka: beneficios y propiedades. No te pierdas el vídeo: https://youtu.be/1HlVkpzHYo8
Jemensch, der je diesen #Manuka probierte wird nachvollziehen können, wie unendlich schwer mir fällt, mir den auf den Körper zu schmieren und nicht zu essen... 😫
Runde Nr. 2 im Selbstversuch, #MRSA mithilfe von Bienchen zu heilen!
Die erste war schon recht viel versprechend.
Und jetzt schenkt mir der #bestbuddy ein 2. Glas. 😊 ❤
Schau'n mer mal...
(Hoffnungsvoll ins #universum gesendet... 🙏)
#manuka #mrsa #bestbuddy #universum