This is a wonderful story 🙏 bot @ERC_Research - analysing the waste from the special conservationists' erasers to learn more about medieval manuscripts & their production:
#Beasts2Craft #B2C 🤣
Project led by @MatthewCollins - project website
#medieval #manuscript #DNA #parchment #conservation #NoWaste #ManuscriptConservation #BioCodicology #histodons #medievodons @medievodons @histodons
#beasts2craft #b2c #medieval #manuscript #dna #parchment #conservation #nowaste #manuscriptconservation #biocodicology #histodons #medievodons
Watching Syracuse University Libraries' Brodsky Lecture by Nancy K. Turner: "Materials of the Illuminator's Art: Medieval Recipes, Modern Identifications, and the Preservation of Pigments, Dyes, and Metals in Medieval Manuscripts." They explicitly called out the birdsite, so I may be alone in this, but if I have comments, I'll use #manuscriptConservation