Sir Hendrick ⚔️ · @SirHendrick
440 followers · 7662 posts · Server

Humiliation is part of the Maoist . They want everyone to see what happens when you go against their will.

#StruggleSession #trump #maoism

Last updated 1 year ago

Former members of Red Guards, a Maoist cult with groups across the US have written a post-mortem of the high control group.

There are many similarities here to Black Hammer, another recent Maoist cult that turned fash. The first thing that sticks out is both groups obsession with fighting other leftists. Infighting was more effective for Red Guards than Black Hammer, who lost most of their left-wing support after their failed campaign against antifa.

This is worth a read to learn red flags for high control groups. No one is immune from falling into a high control group like this.

#cult #maoism #communism #redguards

Last updated 1 year ago

☆ joene ☆ · @joenepraat
1297 followers · 26790 posts · Server

*Anark Responds to every authoritarian leftist on the internet*

A long sit (you can also lay down of course 😉), but very worthwhile. Compliments to @Anark.

There are also similar videos about Maoist ( and the ( So again, GO HOME! :tankies:

#mlm #ml #marxismleninism #maoism #stalinism #maoists #stalinists #authcoms #tankies #ussr #china

Last updated 1 year ago

☆ joene ☆ · @joenepraat
1297 followers · 26790 posts · Server

*Anark Responds to every authoritarian leftist on the internet*

A long sit (you can also lay down of course 😉), but very worthwhile. Compliments to @Anark.

There are also similar videos about Maoist ( and the ( So again, GO HOME! :tankies:

#mlm #ml #marxistleninism #maoism #stalinism #maoists #stalinists #authcoms #tankies #ussr #china

Last updated 1 year ago

· @Stuxnet1984
93 followers · 1920 posts · Server

If you want to cull the world population on a mass scale, the best historical form of Democide is global Communism/Socialism.

#communism #socialism #marxism #maoism #fascism #liberationtheology #democide

Last updated 1 year ago

saul critical :acab: 🎡 · @atompunkray
176 followers · 1626 posts · Server

Leftists who go on and on about the need to appear “normal” in order to appeal to the working-class are telling on themselves in a big way. For one thing: what they consider normal is generally informed by patriarchal, Euro-centric, and yes, bourgeois power structures.

Secondly, that they feel the need to perform “proletarian” aesthetics gives away that they are rich kids terrified of being found out. If you’re working class, you’re working class. Dying your hair blue, watching anime, or caring about the way society treats neurodivergent ppl does not change your relationship to labor and capital.

I’ve always valued my uniqueness, while at the same time I do come across as “very normal.” I wear blue jeans, white t shirts, root for the sports teams I inherited from my dad, shit like that. This isn’t something I do to “appeal to working people,” they’re things I do because I like them. I have plenty of friends who dress “weird” and I think it’s cool as hell for them to do that; I admire when people don’t let arbitrary expectations dictate the way they live their life.

Finally, that sort of shit is insulting to working people. We’re smart, we won’t be tricked into believing something just cuz the guy telling us “dresses normal.” And if that okie dokie *does* work on you, well you’re just an incurious person. People like me because I am kind, genuine, and a good listener. Not because of the way I dress, or because I like watching football more than opera.

#politics #uspol #ukpol #auspol #anarchism #socialism #communism #marxism #maoism #leftism #anticapitalism #antifascism

Last updated 1 year ago

Maximum Overdrive · @grumpyleftist
242 followers · 3 posts · Server
cj67 · @cjntenn
64 followers · 1040 posts · Server
Svensson · @Anders_S
75 followers · 600 posts · Server

Röe kejsarn och tonårsmobben
Ännu en målande, skrämmande, fasansfull, upprörande, verklighetsbeskrivning av de våldsamma fasorna under den röde kejsaren och envåldshärskaren Mao Zedongs så falskeligen kallade ”Den Stora Proletära Kulturrevolutionen” i Kina från 1966 till 1976 (då diktatorn Mao än

#taniabranigan #rttminne #maozedong #mao #kulturrevolutionen #detstorasprnget #maoism #kultur #kommunism #kina #historia #bcker

Last updated 1 year ago

a Maoist posted this. he’s soooo close. If you’re all about a places material conditions, and one of those conditions is a population that rejects authoritarianism, what does that say about Leninism’s ability to succeed in that place?…

#anarchism #socialism #communism #marxism #maoism #uspol

Last updated 1 year ago

Abolisyonista · @abolisyonista
468 followers · 962 posts · Server

It's the 57th anniversary of the so-called Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. There's a great deal of celebration of this momentous event. Often this celebration includes a celebration of Mao Zedong.

But while Mao may have unleashed great amount of proletarian agency during the Cultural Revolution, he later backtracked and crushed the left wing of the Cultural Revolution. Men and women who spoke against the bureaucracy and the emerging pseudo-revolutionary caste were incarcerated or executed.

Mao's suppression of this ultraleft current directly led to capitalist restoration in China. The demobilization forced upon the Chinese proletariat directly led to Tienanmen.

For more, I'd suggest you check out “The Cultural Revolution at the Margins” by Yiching Wu.


#communism #maoism

Last updated 1 year ago

Well I said I wasn’t gonna get involved in the discourse, but here I am.

I feel like posts like this, while they *seem* to be pro-drug user REALLY miss the fucking point. Not every drug user is a trucker who needs uppers to satisfy an unscrupulous employer’s unrealistic route expectations, or is a construction worker who got hurt on the job then prescribed Percs who eventually graduates to heroin. And that’s ok. People who use drugs deserve dignity, even if our story doesn’t live up to some Maoist’s contrivance.

Folks, especially criminalized folks, shouldn’t have to engage in respectability politics for Communists to care about us.

#addiction #recovery #aa #NA #communism #marxism #maoism #anarchism

Last updated 2 years ago

Sir Hendrick ⚔️ · @SirHendrick
435 followers · 7171 posts · Server

Here's the 39 year old VP of . Listen.
She came from 'The South', went to the big city where she found a coach. That coach told her what and how to think, something she could not figure out herself. You notice how she distances herself from her parents and their background?
The other thing is that she was convinced that she has no fixed identity. She is fluid. Queer means 'an identity without an essence'.

#budlight #wokisme #marxisme #maoism #CocaColaCommunism

Last updated 2 years ago

sgt. malarkey :acab: 🎡 · @atompunkray
140 followers · 1137 posts · Server

It always amazes me that tankies, after shedding the brainwashing and manufactured consent of the imperial core just.. take other nation states at their word. Oh the DPRK says they’re anti-imperialist? Well then there is no way China can be imperialist if the two countries are friends!

France’s motto is “freedom, equality, and brotherhood” and the US are allies with France so *obviously* the US is an agent of equality, right?? 🙄

#socialism #communism #anarchism #antiimperialism #marxism #marxismLeninism #maoism #tito

Last updated 2 years ago

IndiaNewsWatch · @indianewswatch
177 followers · 1034 posts · Server
IndiaNewsWatch · @indianewswatch
170 followers · 1024 posts · Server

13 Andhra cops acquitted in gangrape of 11 tribal women: ‘Slap on our faces’

On August 20, 2007, a 30-member team of an anti-Maoist special branch of police had launched a combing operation in the hamlet. Eleven women belonging to a Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Group alleged they had been gangraped and assaulted by 13 of the policemen at gunpoint.

#andhrapradesh #tribals #st #appolice #massrape #rape #police #law #justice #ViolenceAgainstWomen #maoism #india

Last updated 2 years ago

kilombavita · @kilombavita
205 followers · 619 posts · Server

Objectives, Significance and Repercussions of the Kamerunian Revolution on the Continent of Africa by Union des Populations du Cameroun

, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

"From 1959-60, in the context of the Cold War, during the establishment of the neocolonial bourgeoisie and in the face of France's obstinacy in refusing the UPC its rightful place in Kamerun, asking if the UPC was communist could only have one revolutionary answer: Yes it was, since its leaders were already talking explicitly about socialism as the end goal of the UPC's struggle. Read:

“The UPC follows the example of China and Indochina, and seeks to build a socialist society modeled on that of People's China.”

This is what the highest official of the UPC [Moumié] said, addressing a young executive and designating without ambiguity the socialist horizon as the objective to be achieved in Kamerun.

#partyprogramme #upc #UniondespopulationsduCameroun #Kamerun #cameroon #cameroun #revolution #britishimperialism #americanimperialism #frenchimperialism #antiimperialism #anticolonialism #panafricanism #armedstruggle #peopleswar #revolutionarynationalism #revolutionarysocialism #newdemocracy #newdemocraticrevolution #maoism #nationalliberationmovements

Last updated 2 years ago

Dziga Vertov 2 · @DzigaVertov2
114 followers · 1644 posts · Server

Activist Study/Araling Aktibista (ARAK) (1999) by the Communist Party of the Philippines.

Human-Read of Basic Course in Revolutionary Outlook, Dialectical Analysis, Mass Line Formation, and Party Organization by /

#audiobook #socialismforall #s4a #socialism #socialist #communism #communist #marxism #marxist #maoism #Maoist #mlm

Last updated 2 years ago