Vite brevi ed esemplari delle spie / 1 #LavrentijPavlovičBerija #progettoManhattan #AgnesSmedley #DiegoGabutti #RichardSorge #SunChingling #AltroQuando #LungaMarcia #KlausFuchs #Comintern #Hiroshima #MaoZedong #Cremlino #Nagasaki #Stalin #Cina #NKVD
#LavrentijPavlovičBerija #ProgettoManhattan #AgnesSmedley #diegogabutti #RichardSorge #SunChingling #AltroQuando #lungamarcia #KlausFuchs #comintern #hiroshima #maozedong #cremlino #nagasaki #stalin #cina #NKVD
Esperienze estetiche fondamentali /7: Nikolaj Nikolaevič Suchanov #FeliksĖdmundovičDzeržinskij #NikolajNikolaevičSuchanov #Cronachedellarivoluzione #EdizioniRinascita #LeggerailCapitale #GalinaFlakserman #LibreriaPopolare #EditoriRiuniti #LouisAlthusser #MaksimGor’kij #"Ilcapitale" #DiegoGabutti #FrankSinatra #AltroQuando #LeeVanCleef #NovajaŽizn’ #MaoZedong #Chefare? #Kamenev #Okhrana
#FeliksĖdmundovičDzeržinskij #NikolajNikolaevičSuchanov #Cronachedellarivoluzione #EdizioniRinascita #LeggerailCapitale #GalinaFlakserman #LibreriaPopolare #EditoriRiuniti #LouisAlthusser #MaksimGor #diegogabutti #franksinatra #AltroQuando #leevancleef #NovajaŽizn #maozedong #chefare #Kamenev #okhrana
Röe kejsarn och tonårsmobben
Ännu en målande, skrämmande, fasansfull, upprörande, verklighetsbeskrivning av de våldsamma fasorna under den röde kejsaren och envåldshärskaren Mao Zedongs så falskeligen kallade ”Den Stora Proletära Kulturrevolutionen” i Kina från 1966 till 1976 (då diktatorn Mao än
#Bcker #Historia #Kina #Kommunism #Kultur #Maoism #DetStoraSprnget #Kulturrevolutionen #Mao #MaoZedong #RttMinne #TaniaBranigan
#taniabranigan #rttminne #maozedong #mao #kulturrevolutionen #detstorasprnget #maoism #kultur #kommunism #kina #historia #bcker
Great #podcast about #China #politics which examine the comparison between #xijingping and #maozedong
#podcast #china #politics #XiJingping #maozedong
#DianeAbbott's views on a range of issues are profoundly troubling, although I also know she has received vile abuse, which I totally condemn But way back in 2015 she came out for #MaoZedong - and her remarks today were totally horrific @Keir_Starmer did the right thing
Monday's book of the day is:
#maozedong #MaoZedongMonday #maoist #militarywritings #China
#China #militarywritings #maoist #MaoZedongMonday #maozedong
Looking forward to reading Saturday's book of the day:
#GPCR #China #maozedong
#Diaporama #M・A・O市道真央 #MaoZedong(MilitaryCommander) #News(TVGenre) #Politics(TVGenre) #Television(Invention) #Vlog #voiceactress #声優 #声優のMAOがを入れるのはMAOと検索すると毛沢東が出てくるからw #女性声優
#diaporama #m・a・o市道真央 #maozedong #news #politics #television #vlog #voiceactress #声優 #声優のmaoがを入れるのはmaoと検索すると毛沢東が出てくるからw #女性声優
🇨🇳 Comienza el fin de semana y en #China estrenan primer ministro. #LiKeqiang (68) deja el cargo tras diez años y le sustituye #LiQiang (63).
Como presidente sigue #XiJinping, el primero, tras #MaoZedong, en romper la regla no escrita de estar un máximo de dos legislaturas en el poder.
Como curiosidad, ambos comparten apellido (李 - Li - Ciruelo), y el Qiang de sus apellidos, que en ambos casos significa "fuerte" o "poderoso", pero que en el saliente se escribe 強 y en el entrante 强.
#china #LiKeqiang #liqiang #xijinping #maozedong
Ich spüre, wie #maozedong und #dengxiaoping sich im Grab umdrehen.
Volkskongress in China: Xi für weitere fünf Jahre im Amt bestätigt
>Es ist ein außergewöhnlicher Schritt: Chinas Volkskongress hat Präsident Xi für eine dritte Amtsperiode bestätigt. Bislang war nach zwei Amtszeiten Schluss an der Spitze des Staates. Zuvor billigte der Kongress den bislang größten Umbau der Regierung.
Mao Zedong famously declared, “Women hold up half the sky.” He was wrong. They bear much more.
In my mother’s household, a loving home, a woman held up the entire sky. And, sometimes, she was the sky itself.
#Women #mothers #grandmothers #aunts #sisters #daughers #strength #dignity #compassion #care #love #MaoZedong
#maozedong #love #care #compassion #dignity #strength #daughers #sisters #aunts #grandmothers #mothers #women
What a gem! A deck of left wing radical playing cards from the old FRG designed by Henner Drescher and FK Waechter & published by Verlag Neue Kritik.
#fkwaechter #neuekritik #angeladavis #maozedong #durruti #trotsky
#fkwaechter #neuekritik #angeladavis #maozedong #durruti #trotsky
2023-02-03 #video
"Why aren't international battalions fighting for #Russia? Where are battalions named after #HoChiMihn, #CheGuevara, #KimIlSung and #MaoZedong?" - #Solovyev
He must have received new guidelines.
Can you imagine anything like that?
#propaganda #russianwarofagression #solovyev #maozedong #kimilsung #cheguevara #hochimihn #russia #video
"It is impossible to understand China without understanding this decade of horror, and the ways in which it scarred the entire nation. So why do some of that era’s children still look back on it with fondness?" by Tania Branigan. #China #MaoZedong #CulturalRevolution #modernhistory #history #Communism #rustication #hardship #XiJinping #longread
A tragedy pushed to the shadows: the truth about China’s Cultural Revolution | China | The Guardian
#china #maozedong #culturalrevolution #modernhistory #history #communism #rustication #hardship #xijinping #longread
Gao Hua: How the Red Sun Rose
Po wyłonieniu nowego Stałego Komitetu Biura Politycznego KPCh po XX Zjeździe Xi Jinping zabrał nowe gremium w „pielgrzymkę” do Yan’an, gdzie przywłoł ducha VIII Zjazdu KPCh z 1945 roku. Miało to wysoce symboliczny wymiar. Xi Jinping pokazał, gdzie zabiera partię i Chiny w swojej trzeciej kadencji. #China #Chiny #Yanan #kampania #MaoZedong #KPCh #historia #ksiązka
#china #chiny #yanan #kampania #maozedong #KPCh #historia #ksiazka
George Will, How to build a university unafraid of true intellectual diversity
"The Wall Street Journal reports that only 4 percent of 2020 graduates majored in English, history, philosophy, foreign languages or literature."
#Marxism #communism #maoism #MaoZedong #history #MaoZedongThought #utopia #HannahArendt #Arendt #totalitarianism #OriginsOfTotalitarianism #philosophy #literature
#marxism #communism #maoism #maozedong #history #maozedongthought #utopia #hannaharendt #arendt #totalitarianism #originsoftotalitarianism #philosophy #literature
High Holiday Prayer Book, #Rabbi M Silverman
"And therefore, the righteous shall see and be glad, the just exult, and the pious rejoice in song, while iniquity shall close its mouth and all wickedness shall vanish like smoke, when Thou removest the dominion of tyranny from the earth" (152).
#Judaism #Christianity #Christian #Marxism #communism #utopia #socialism #maoism #MaoZedong #HannahArendt #Arendt #totalitarianism #philosophy
#rabbi #judaism #christianity #christian #marxism #communism #utopia #socialism #maoism #maozedong #hannaharendt #arendt #totalitarianism #philosophy
NOT the corrupt Marxist Frankfurt School, Freudian, Hegelian, Lukács, psychoanalytic, Theodor Adorno, Habermas, Herbert Marcuse, Heidegger, other Nazis and Marxists, etc.
BUT Arnold Toynbee, Carl Jung, Depth Psychology, Karl Jaspers, and the entire humane tradition of Western and world civilization... universality, not theory...
#Marxism #communism #maoism #MaoZedong #history #MaoZedongThought #utopia #HannahArendt #Arendt #totalitarianism #OriginsOfTotalitarianism #philosophy #literature
#literature #marxism #communism #maoism #maozedong #history #maozedongthought #utopia #hannaharendt #arendt #totalitarianism #originsoftotalitarianism #philosophy
The decadence degrading American universities has turned many students into an ignorant, illiterate mob...
The Decline of Higher Education
John M. Ellis Nov 29, 22
"This corrupted version of higher education is doing immense damage to our society...Most parents still think they are sending their children to college, not to bootcamp for radical activists."
#Marxism #communism #utopia #socialism #maoism #MaoZedong #HannahArendt #Arendt #totalitarianism #philosophy
#marxism #communism #utopia #socialism #maoism #maozedong #hannaharendt #arendt #totalitarianism #philosophy
David Shambaugh: China's Leaders: From Mao to Now (Chińscy przywódcy: od Mao do dzisiaj)
Autor, jak sam pisze, "bada osobowość, socjalizację, psychologię i doświadczenia zawodowe" kolejnych przywódców ChRL. Tworzy w trakcie typy przypisane kolejnym rządzącym: Mao był populistycznym tyranem, Deng pragmatycznym leninistą, Jiang biurokratycznym politykiem, Hu technokratycznym aparatczykiem, a Xi nowoczesnym cesarzem. #China #Chiny #ChRL #przywódcy #historia #książka #MaoZedong #DengXiaoping #JiangZemin #HuJintao #XiJinping
#china #chiny #ChRL #przywodcy #historia #ksiazka #maozedong #dengxiaoping #jiangzemin #hujintao #xijinping