The game is available in both English and German. You can get printed versions, too.
#TTRPG #pnpde #DollyWeBoughtADreamHouse
#DollyWirHabenEinTraumhausGekauft #oneshot #storyGame #MapDrawingGame #Barbie
#ttrpg #pnpde #dollyweboughtadreamhouse #dollywirhabeneintraumhausgekauft #oneshot #storygame #mapdrawinggame #barbie
Inspired by the Barbie movie @Bratapfel and @curiouscat hacked their own game "Bunny, we bought a Dungeon" and turned it into "Dolly, we bought a Dream House". It's a fun rpg/map-drawing game in which you explore and equip the rooms of your new home, and meet people from the neighborhood.
#TTRPG #pnpde #DollyWeBoughtADreamHouse
#DollyWirHabenEinTraumhausGekauft #oneshot #MapDrawingGame #Barbie
#ttrpg #pnpde #dollyweboughtadreamhouse #dollywirhabeneintraumhausgekauft #oneshot #mapdrawinggame #barbie