New #Mapdrop
Well of Souls - 20x40 encounter map made for the 1st week of #inkarnate december promts.
Hope you like it. I tried to take a more colorful approche but still keep the vibes of a well of souls.
#mapdrop #Inkarnate #ttrpgmaps #dndmaps #mapmaking #fantasymaps
The updated version of 'Dream of Love and Regret' - a Feywild encounter map inspired by the visuals of the movie 'What Dreams may come'
Update: resized to 50x50, better shadows and highlights and filter finetuning.
#mapdrop #ttrpgmaps #dndmaps #fantasymaps #Feywild #Inkarnate
New #Mapdrop
Check out my new map:
The Last Shrine - a 20x40 encounter.
#mapdrop #ttrpgmaps #dndmaps #fantasymaps #Inkarnate #Battlemaps