DDSportsTalk · @ddsportstalk
9 followers · 25 posts · Server

The Toronto Maple Leafs have ZERO respect for its fans and the game of hockey itself.

They have the audacity, the gall, to charge the highest ticket price in the . FOR WHAT? Perennial losing.

#nhl #maplelaffs #mapleoafs #leafsforeverlosers

Last updated 2 years ago

DDSportsTalk · @ddsportstalk
9 followers · 24 posts · Server

While there are the hashtags and , it's , or that better reflect the bitter reality.

The ineptitude of this franchise has got to be the worst in all North American team sports.

Every other team has not only been to a Finals since expansion, but all five other of them have won a since expansion.

So many other teams have figured out how to win for their fans.

Leafs? Befuddled. Clueless.

#tmltalk #leafsforever #maplelaffs #mapleoafs #torontomakebeliefs #original6 #nhl #stanleycup

Last updated 2 years ago