In order to achieve #MAPLiberation we need to be radical in our approach and our actions. Understanding the Capitalist system and how being a stigmatized person under it is essential for taking control of our lives and changing our outcomes and those of future generations.
All paraphilic comrades have a place in the movement. Every youth-attracted person has a voice and the ability to change our world in every interaction they have in their everyday lives wherever they are. Everyone has influence in their own communities in their own way.
The movement is not restricted to those who talk down to others because of their followed counts, positions of socio-economic or educational privilege, or being an perennial invited speaker at the cocktail parties of the very class that oppressed us.
We’ve seen that before. We will not be sold out.
Organize where you are.
Speak to people where you can and advocate for yourself.
Self advocacy IS advocacy for all non-normative humans.
I just found out that YouTube took down Elliot's page for A MAPs Journey Podcast.
It makes me really sad for Elliot, and it pisses me off that YouTube automatically removes any helpful and educational content that is pro-MAP. It's really upsetting to know there isn't anything I can do to stop YouTube from censoring me and taking down my MAP videos.
#Map #mappride #nomap #mapliberation