Current daylight/nighttime map of the Earth using a #CahillConcialdi (aka bat) #MapProjection.
What’s this projection?
#cahillconcialdi #mapprojection #mappymondays
A New Coordinate System for Constructing Spherical Grid Systems
-- <-- shared paper
[the math is way above my skills, but a fascinating paper regardless]
#GIS #spatial #mapping #spatialgrids #spherical #framework #sphericalframework #areacoordinates #spatialdata #coordinate #coordinatesystem #projection #mapprojection #singularity #mapprojection #gridsystems
#gis #spatial #mapping #spatialgrids #spherical #framework #sphericalframework #areacoordinates #spatialdata #coordinate #coordinatesystem #projection #mapprojection #singularity #gridsystems
@kennykravitz @DaWoDerPfeffer @libroraptor @gregsbrain @conradhackett
"Wasn't Mercator's popularity due to it making all the key trading ports more easily visible?"
No, not at all. Rather, the #Mercator map was just the simplest mathematical #mapprojection that allowed any sailor to use the easiest form of #navigation possible, in pre-modern times.
Most folks weren't shown how this map was supposed to be used, so it often gets misinterpreted by moderns
#MERCATOR #mapprojection #navigation
Daylight map of the Earth using a #CahillConcialdi (aka bat) #MapProjection.
#cahillconcialdi #mapprojection
Nice idea of #Map Cutouts found in used book store. But sadly in well meaning, but wonky #Gall-Peters #mapprojection
RT .@BojanSavric your new #EqualEarthProjection is a delight in my #d3js #mapprojection sandbox. Your Tissot’s indicatrices are the best in the world!
Live on at
More info in the linked blog post.
#equalearthprojection #d3js #mapprojection